4| Ultimate Nuisance

Start from the beginning

Eventually, I zone out from their conversation as it's getting borderline painful to listen to them dribble on. I turn to Mika whilst pressing the elevator button.

" Mika, are you okay?" I question, gazing into his deep brown eyes. " I feel like Billy makes you uncomfortable," I hesitantly add.

" I..I'm.. fine ...n..now," He whispers as we enter the elevator. Everyone enters. Mika asks with a smile "Which...f..floor....An...Angelo?"

"The fifth one, little one."

He presses it and his face lights up as the colours pop up. Something weird catches my eye. I see Billy looking at Mika with an almost loving gaze. He quickly gets rid of it and replaces it with his usual scowl.

We reach my apartment and get comfy in the living room. They were all shocked about how I'm able to afford such an expensive place but I quickly shut them down. No one can ever know the truth. For one it's too painful to recount. Secondly, more people knowing would put me at risk of being found.

That's something I'll avoid even if it costs me my life.

The next couple of hours are spent outlining everything. I don't miss Billy taunting Mika, but I always shut him down when he does. It brings me a deep satisfaction knowing he's pissed.

"How about some drinks. I have orange juice," I suggest trying to lighten the mood.

Alexi quickly follows me. "I'll help you, Angelo."

I reach the kitchen and get four glasses out, placing them on a tray. I turn around to grab the juice from the fridge, coming face to face with Alexi.

"Angelo, how about a drink later? Just you and me,"
He asks whilst moving closer to me.

I dodge out of his way and grab the juice. In a firm tone, I answer with a "No" and make my way to my living room. He trails behind looking like a kicked puppy.

I hate that I developed this type of cruel personality but without it, I could get hurt again. The poison in my heart has finally started to heal and I will do nothing to jeopardise that.

My past is something I wish I could overcome. I'm too weak. It always has this hold over me. My biggest wish in life is to longer be a puppet to it.

"Mika, this behaviour needs to stop. You think he would actually like someone as pathetic as you," I hear Billy cruelly taunt.

"L..leave..me..alone," Mika shrieks. Then I hear a strangled cry. I speed up, dashing into the room.

Billy has a struggling and teary-eyed Mika pinned to the wall. The next few words I hear, leave me fuming.

"Little faggot, no one will ever love someone like you. I see you smiling at him, smiling like a desperate slut," Billy smirks as I lunge forward and push him off Mika.

I hold him against the wall, gripping his neck. I'm shaking in rage, how dare he. I glance at a trembling Mika collecting himself of the floor, tears dancing on his tiny face.

I glare at Billy and start "Never say that word again and never touch him again."

With a small push, he falls back. I turn to Alexi and instruct him "Alexi take your friend and get out of my home"

They quickly grab their things and leave. Billy turns and glances at Mika on his way out but that's quickly interrupted by my cold glare. If looks could kill my glare could murder a thousand people.

In this world, I hate three things. Liars, cheats and bullies. In comparison to Billy, Mika is tiny. He reminds me of my little brother. He was always carefree and innocent, lost in his own head most of the time.

"I...I'm sorry," Mika forces out whilst avoiding eye contact.

"Mika look at me. He was the one at fault."

"I..but-" I interrupt him.

"Little one, you need to understand that no one should be made to feel the way he was making you feel. He was scaring you and that isn't right."

My impromptu speech come to halt when I hear a small rumble from Mika's tummy.

"How about we get some food," I suggest as a crimson colour coats Mika's cheeks.

"I....don't..h..have..money," he informs me in an embarrassed tone, nervously looking at his feet.

"My treat Mika," I coo gently to make him feel safe.

"B...but... I.., cant," Mika replies desperately, almost as if he's begging himself to say 'yes.'

"I won't hear any arguments. I'm starving so either you come with me or I'll lock your cute self in my room. Your choice," I announce in a teasing tone laced in seriousness.

" I...I..want..to..come and For..t..the...last..time..I'm..not cute or little," he frantically pleads.

"Whatever, you say......little one," I add as he glares at me.

I'm slowly opening myself to new possibilities which frightens me. I don't think we're ever ready, life throws things at us and we have to get on with it.

We make our way to a small Italian restaurant near my hotel. Mika orders pizza and I order a tasty ravioli. I would do this a thousand times over to see his face when the food arrives. It's like he has been starved. Almost as if the food is his saviour.

"So Mika, do you live alone," I ask, trying to get to know him better.

"N...no,.. I...live...W..with..my..parents."

I don't miss the way he stammers the words out desperately avoiding eye contact. Or the increased fidgeting. I decide to change the topic.

"When we were working earlier, I saw a copy of Red, White and Royal Blue. Do you like reading, little one?"

"I..I...love.. it," he squeals, his face lighting up with the biggest smile.

He quickly realises that the whole restaurant has turned our way. Tears fill his eyes as he attempts to hide. I jump on my feet, making my way to stand next to him.

"Mika, it's okay. You did nothing wrong," I reassure rubbing his back slowly.

"I...I...e..embarrassed...y..you," Mika sobs out.

"You did nothing of the sort, I actually enjoyed our conversation."

"Really?" He questions, his lip trembling slightly.

"Yes, I did. Now let's go to the bathroom, get your tears cleaned up and enjoy the rest of the evening. What do you say?"

He smiles and jumps out of the seat with a sudden burst of energy, running to the bathroom. I'm actually glad I invited him. I probably would've eaten alone again if I didn't. For the first time in a long time, I'm actually smiling.

Hopefully, this time I won't fly too close to the sun. You see the thing about the light is that, there's always a chance you'll get burned.

I wanted to let you all know that there will be content some readers may not feel comfortable reading.

I will always put a trigger warning before chapters. You can always message me to ask for a summary.

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