" He already went to your friend's room " The nurse informed us when she saw us . We just nod and mumbled 'thanks' to her . Walking to Hoshi's room which is lead by Jeonghan . After a few minutes, we arrived at his room . A little far from where Seungcheol treats his wound just now .

" You guys go buy the bread or making the bread? " Seungcheol greeted us with his way .

" This hospital is just too big to handle ! Only went to buy some foods already took an hour, " Complained Jeonghan.

For real , we have been gone for an hour and I didn't realise that until Jeonghan complained to his boyfriend .

" I called Mingyu to come over " Seungcheol spoke after he took a sip of his water .

" For what ? " I tilt my head a little in confusion .

" Because I can't go anywhere without him, " He answered in a bitch way .

" You mean like , who am I ? " Jeonghan asked beside him .

" You are my Angel ? "

" And what did you mean about Mingyu ? "

" Oh come on, Angel ! Mingyu is my baby, you know that right ? "

" Dino is our baby, " Jeonghan said strictly .

" Dino is our baby but Mingyu is my baby ~ " Seungcheol pinched Jeonghan's cheeks making him blush there while me listening to him saying that my boyfriend is his baby .

" Can you please take him here later ? "

" Who ? " I asked confusedly .

" Mingyu "

" Why me ?! "

" Because he's your boyfriend ? "

I just glared at them as hard as I can . Why must I?


Seungkwan's POV :

" I'm home~ " I greeted Dino who was watching TV .

" Hyung! Welcome home! " He greeted me back excitedly .

" Why with the face ? And why did you get home so early ? Is it lunch hours ? No, it is not... " He bubbling but I just ignore him and walked to the kitchen for some water .

" Hyung ! Answer meeee~~ " He shouted from the living room . I really didn't listen to him .

" Hyung, are you okay ? " He appeared in the kitchen out of nowhere making me choked on my water because of shock.

" Oh oh, I'm sorry! " Hectic him as I coughing non-stop .

" It's okay, " I forgive him as I already stop coughing .

" Hyung, what happened to you ? You looked so pale " He said and bring me to the living room .

" Tell me what you want to know, " I said and lean on the sofa .

He closed the TV and sit beside me . " What happened ? Why you didn't look like usual ? " He asked .

" You know what ? I almost die just now in the office "

" Whattha ?! " He overreacts again , or did he supposed to ?

" That Woozi choked me you know , luckily there's Hoshi ! " I don't have the intentions to make Woozi look bad in Dino's eyes . I am just still shocked by that accident .

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