Forget Wonwoo

130 9 0

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9 o_O

" Okay guys , tq for today " I said after I went out from my office and saw all the employees .

" Tq , Mr.Kwon " They all said simultaneously .

I just smile at them and walked to the toilet .

" Eh , Mr.Kwon " I met Seungkwan by chance on my way to the toilet .

" Oh yes , Seungkwan ? "

" Office hours already finished , all the employees already went back "

" Oh , you can go tidy your table first . Later , I'll take you with me to my car "

He smiles and nodding .

After I finished using the toilet , I went to my room and tidy all my things there . Only god knows how stressed am I watching all of these stupid sheets . Okay , as you guys can see of course I'm trying my best to be nice to all the employees . But who can lie to their heart , right ? I'm still not into this though . Give my mind some times , I'm sure that I will okay with this .

When I was tidying my things , suddenly my phone vibrates .

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Jeonghan has this habit , he always understands all of his friends . In our group , he already likes a mother to 9 of us . He's so caring , how lucky Seungcheol is to have Jeonghan as his boyfriend .

After what he has done to me today , I guessed it's my turn to ask about his day . Okay , let's ask about his whereby first ;-;

 Okay , let's ask about his whereby first ;-;

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Tbh , I hate those " Forget Wonwoo " words . Why must I do such a thing ? I'm not going to steal him from Mingyu okay ! I'm just having a crush on him . I didn't confess to him , I don't even bother to have him in my life . That word hurts me .

When I was in my mind , my phone vibrates. Jeonghan still sending me a message .

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" I've made up my mind , I won't forget Wonwoo . He's also my friend . I can't forget him just because I have these small feelings towards him . For sure , I can't erase that beautiful faces from my mind . He's such an angel , why must I forget him thooo ? The world is so cruel because they asked me to forget such a beautiful man ! "

Ok let me tell you guys , I was babbling alone while tidying all these sheets in my room . It's about 10 minutes already , I guessed ?

" Mr.Kwon ? " Suddenly someone opens the door . It was Seungkwan . For real , I forgot about him :)

" Oh I'm sorry , Seungkwan " I'm starting rushing to tidy all my things .

" It's okay , Mr.Kwon " He stepped into my room . When he about to take his third steps suddenly my sheets fell in front of him .

" Slowly , Mr.Kwon . No need to rushing like this " He said while helping me picking up those sheets .

" Hehe , I'm sorry " I said while scratching my head .

" Let me clean all this up " He stands up with all those sheets in his hand .

" Let me tidy up your room " He continues his words .

" Thankyou , Seungkwan " I'm very disappointed with myself .

" Give me 5 minutes okay , Mr.Kwon ? "

I nodding while smiling .

For real , my first day is SUCK !


How is it for Chapter 9 , reader <3 Mind to continue the next chapter ? (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ǝʌol

How is it for Chapter 9 , reader <3 Mind to continue the next chapter ? (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ǝʌol

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Happy Birthday to Jeon Wonwoo btw 💕💕

The Conflicts • Soonhoon [ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora