Walk at night

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16 o_O

Mingyu's POV :

I don't know where's the fucking bus , I just wanna go to the market and buy some snacks . I'm planning to watch a movie tonight . With or without Wonwoo ? I don't care actually , as long as I can watch the movie it's already okay .

Why did I waiting for a bus ? Because I'm just too lazy to go to my room and take my car key . I'm freaking lazy okay . Almost 40 minutes already I'm waiting for a bus . But there's not even one pass by .

So I decided to walk to the market . It's not too far , just 700m away from Dino's house and 1km away from mine . I can just take a walk , it's kinda nice to have some fresh air at this hour .

My phone vibrates again while I was walking and enjoy the environment . Again , it was Wonwoo .

I really want to take a walk tonight

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I really want to take a walk tonight .

I'm sorry if I made you worry , hyung .

Wonwoo's POV :

" Wonuuuuu "


I rushing to open the door because Mingyu didn't bring any keys with him . I was in the kitchen making coffee as I feel like I want to relax.

" What it took you so long to open the door huh ? "

" Oh , Junhwi "

Thefak , it is not Mingyu .

" I brought you some food " He said as he lifted his hand to show me the packaging he brought .

" Oh , thankyou " I take it from his hand .

" Where is Mingyu ? "

" He went over to his friend's , on his way home maybe ? "

" Ohh , okay then "

" Bye " I know he's going back to his room because he can't leave his Minghao even for 10 minutes . Eventho his room is just right on top of mine .

" Okay , bye Wonu "

Where the hell is he?

Joshua's POV :

I really want to talk with Mingyu right now . Should I just call him ? Okay let's text him first .

He's so gentleman

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He's so gentleman . Tell me how to unlove him .

Me being crush on Mingyu is not a weird thing. He's being nice to me was one of the reasons why I fell in love with him . Ok , let's just go straight to the point . There's one day , we just finished our practice day but Wonwoo was absent on that day and Seokmin and Vernon went on their college's trip . By accident , it was heavy raining so I don't have any others way to get home instead of running in the rain .

I'm thinking of seeking help , but there's no one have the same direction to my house . So I decided to run in that heavy rain situation and I stop by the bus stop . Actually, before I get out of our practice building , I'd told Seungcheol about it but I asked him not to help me because I can just run .

When I was at the bus stop , I am so freaking cold . So I just sat at the seat and hug my knees . What else can I do ? There's no fucking buses because we ended our practice so late . But this angel with a car stop at the bus stop and take me into his car . Who is him ? Who else if it wasn't Mingyu ? Yes , he took me into his car and wrap me with his sweater .

He drove me home ofcourse . Well as I guessed , Seungcheol told him that I don't have any transport to go home . Mingyu doesn't know that and was not even there when I was seeking help . He told me that Seungcheol tells him about me at him after I've gone around 5 minutes like that . So he rushing to find me all the way in the direction to my home and happened to found me at the bus stop .

He even sent me right in front of my room . He's so caring and lovely . He even waited for me until I finished my shower and eat with me . When we were eating , that's when I realised I just fell in love with him . By the way , he cooked for our dishes that night . My mind can't think of other things than him after that night . For a moment I wish that Wonwoo won't be absent and Seungcheol won't tell him anything . But I can't turn back time .

I have to live like this .

Having a crush on someone else's boyfriend .


Joshua want to talk with Mingyu , reader <3 Excited for the next chapter ? Wait for next Saturday (ノ°ο°)ノ

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