Distrust in Love

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6 o_O

" Yaaaaa , Hoshi-ah " Oh who else ? For sure it is Yoon Jeonghan .

" Yes , hyung ? "

" You calls me hyung like that , you make me looked so old " He complained and pull the chair beside me .

" You must realise that you are not that young either " Well , I won't give him a pleasure .

" You said like that , you make me looked even older " Okay , for real . I forgot there's also Seungcheol beside me , I swear I forgot .

" Oh , I'm sorry Seungcheol " Ok I respect Seungcheol the most , Jeonghan ? Euw .

" Ohmaigad , why did you behave like this , Hoshi ? " Jeonghan pulled my hand .

" What ? " I pulled my hand back .

" Why. did. you. apologised. him. and. say. nothing. to. me ? " He looked right into my eyes . It's scary as hell because there are no expressions on his face .

" Ok hyung , I'm sorry ~ " I smile and patted his cheek .

" Ok , Hoshi ~~ " He smiles back and patted my hand .

" Oh, by the way , Hoshi " Jeonghan suddenly said while pulling his phone out of his pocket .

" I invite Mingyu too "

" Ohhhh okayyy , did he bring Wonwoo with him ? " I asked .

" Ofcourse he did , Wonwoo is his boyfriend right " Jeonghan answered spontaneously .

Okay , that ' Wonwoo is his boyfriend ' kinda broke my heart . Oh , it's just my small crush towards Wonwoo . Yeah , yeah , he's my crush . Okay give me 10 seconds to tell you guys about it . I started to have a crush on Wonwoo when he spammed me to wake up because he was so bored being alone in the practice room . He calls me so many times . For me , it's kinda cute . But why the hell on earth did Mingyu wanted to confess his love towards Wonwoo at the time when I decided that my heart have this small crush on Wonwoo . This is why I don't believe in love . Yeah , that's the thing that stop my confession to Wonwoo .

Okay thankyou for still here with me , It's more than 10 seconds already I guessed ?

" Hoshi , what would you like to order ? " Seungcheol suddenly approached me when I was in my mind .

" No it's okay I just want to drink ... " As soon as I said that suddenly I heard a voice shouting for Seungcheol's name . It was Mingyu . Mingyu have this big obsession with Seungcheol , he can't see Seungcheol otherwise he will approach that guy and hug him as tight as he can .

There's one time when Jeonghan even gave Seungcheol a warning to not meet Mingyu for a while because their relationship isn't normal either like a friend or a ' brother ' . Ok who can stop Mingyu from seeing Seungcheol ? It's all his desires , no worries though Mingyu now has his own boyfriend which was my crush .

" HYUNGGGGGGGGG " Mingyu ran towards Seungcheol's directions and hug him from the back . Seungcheol just pulled Mingyu's hand and make that guy sit beside him .

" Hi , Hoshi " That's it ! That is the voices I wanted to hear .

" Hi , Wonwoo " When I was about to look at Wonwoo but then Jeonghan kick my leg under the table .

I just give him a confused face and then Wonwoo appears beside him . It's what we called as a beautiful view of someone's else boyfriend . For real , I didn't realise that I've been staring and smiling at Wonwoo until Jeonghan slaps my face .

" Is there anyone else you invites ? " Jeonghan asked after I awaken .

I just shook my head .

" Why you suddenly invites us ? " Seungcheol asked .

To be honest , I invite them because I just feel like I wanted too but just now accident got me pensive for a while when Seungcheol asked like that .

" Hoshi ? " Jeonghan shake my hand , literally confused why I suddenly silent .

" Oh it's just that... " I smile, just remember about just now .

" What , Hoshi ? " I heard Wonwoo's voices .

" Nahhh , just inviting " I said and lean in front to take a sip of my water .

" We know right that you were stressed in the office , you can just tell us though " Mingyu said with a concerned look .

" Oh ya , today's interview session . They keep making it complicated , I mean those employees "

" You'll get used to it , darling " Jeonghan said .

" I wish too . They all actually look... " My words were stopped because I was finding a suitable word to use in my sentences .

" Good " I said and nodding , finally found the word .

" They all look good "

" Glad to heard that " Wonwoo suddenly said after have been quiet for a while .

" Yaa " I said and smiling again , argh I really can't control myself when it comes to Wonwoo .

" I thought you wanted to tell us about your lover that you just met in the office " Mingyu said and gave me a flirty face. Yes , thankyou Mingyu . You attract my mind from thinking about your boyfriend by making me realised that I'm single instead :)

" Lover that he just met ? " Wonwoo asked his boyfriend .

" Yaaa " Mingyu said and nodding passionately .

" What did you mean by that ? " Is that my Wonwoo ? Did he was backing me up ? Oh how nice my crush is !

" Hoshi has been single for a long time , it's a time for him to find one . Ofcourse you understand your boyfriend's words but pretend like you did not " I hate Jeonghan sometimes , he spoilt the moments .

" I'll find one , don't you guys worries " I maybe hate talking about love with my family but I didn't when it comes to them .

" We didn't force you to find a girl , you can just be in a relationship with a guy if you wanted too "


CEO met a lover in the office , reader ? ˋ(′~')ˊ Tomorrow I'll be posting the others chapter (>*-*)>

The Conflicts • Soonhoon [ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя