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Hello any and all of you,
If you're new to me and my books... welcome!
If you are coming from one of my other novels... welcome back to my world.

This is my first dystopian book and TBGTOAN is my third-born novel and first stand alone.

I love the world of TBG and I hope you will as well. In advance I thank you for all of your support and reads and I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did writing it.

I am slowly editing this by myself while my computer decides to crash every time I try to edit there. Updates will be slow because of NaNoWriMo,  college, work and all that jazz. I hope to be on a regular update schedule soon.

Wattpad does not let me post links so an image of the TBG Spotify playlist is above. Take a listen if you want.

Also, all of the story has come from me and me alone. Copyright exists. This book is mine. Stealing is illegal. If you see it posted anywhere but Wattpad please report it and let me know. I don't mean to be a bitch about it but I'm not dealing with it.

Rosae ad Atropa,

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