She was stealthy with it, she didn't want to use her guns just yet and alert the other guard from the gunfire, Loki made daggers appear in his hands as they walked inside, more guards saw and went after the group, Natasha used hand to hand combat, Thor knocked them out with his hammer, and Loki slit throats, his favorite move.

"You guys in?" Tony asked through the ear piece to Thor, Loki, and Natasha.

"Correct, right now we are near the cells, no sign of Samara." Natasha said, barely anyone were in the cells. but she saw the ones who were asking for help, Loki told her to let it go and they moved forward.

"Are you looking for this?" Natasha, Thor, and Loki turned around, they saw Jerry and Samara, she was drooling and growling at the three of them.

"Kill them." Jerry said, Samara jumped at Natasha and she screamed as she got trampled. Thor and Loki helped to take Samara off of Natasha.

Samara turned to Loki and pinned him against the wall, he turned into a wolf and attacked her and they fought, Loki told Thor and Natasha to deal with Jerry.

Thor helped Natasha up and they went to deal with Jerry.

"Samara, it's me, your dreaming, it's all a dream." Loki said out of breath as he backed up from the growling wolf in front of him, her only intent was to kill.

"A good Guard dog, follows orders." Samara
said, robotically as if someone told her to say that, Loki turned to Jerry and he was being restrained by Natasha, he was on his stomach and she held his arms behind his back painfully.

"We spotted Samara, but we were to late, shes Savage, Loki is holding her off." Natasha said into her earpiece.

"Where are you?" Tony asked, Natasha looked around.

"Near the cells, and labs, sorta in the middle." Natasha turned around and saw Tony and everyone else, even giant hulk. she smiled glad that she had help.

"I just followed the dead bodies." Tony said pointing to all the guards on the ground, Natasha snickered.

"Samara snap out of it!" Loki yelled, Samara jumped at Loki and hit his neck painfully, digging her canines deep into his skin, causing him to yell and bleed everywhere, he shook and she let go, he kicked her into the wall next to them and he pinned her against the wall.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Samara!" Loki yelled, she just stared blankly at Loki while growling.

"Maybe hurting her in the only option!" Thor yelled. Loki looked at Thor, then back at Samara, he sighed and then his eyes turned to anger, and he dipped down biting her neck, she yelped in pain and he shook his head as he threw her to the opposite wall, she got up and he walked up to Samara and put his paw on her chest, digging his nails into her skin. A few people closed their eyes at the sight.

"Cool." Peter admired, Tony gave him a look through his mask. "i have an idea!"

"Peter no!" Tony yelled, Once Loki backed up, he strayed his webs around Samara and tied her up, she growled and struggled to her free. Natasha got off Jerry and Tony cuffed him.

Loki collapsed and passed out from blood loss, Tony ran over and grabbed Loki while Peter carried Samara. Natasha took Jerry back to the Heli-Carrier.

"Both of them need serious help." Tony turned and saw Bruce back to normal. Bruce nodded and agreed to help them when they get back to the Stark Tower.

They gave Nick Fury Jerry and told him why, and they headed back to the Stark Tower to help out Loki and Samara.

"is there a way to reverse this or take this savage thing out of her?" Bruce asks, he jumped when Samara went to bite him.

"i want to test something out, Does anyone have a spare rabbit or bird or something?" Bruce asked, everyone looked at each other confused. "never mind i'll get one of my own."

a few hours later they put Samara in a plain room in the Stark tower, she paced back and forth growling and scratching and everything and anything.

"Cameras work?" Bruce asked as he held a rabbit in his hand.

"yup, go put it in there." Bruce walked upstairs and threw the bunny in the room, Samara
turned and immediately lunged at the rabbit killing it instantly with her massive strong jaws and started to eat it, everyone gagged and looked away.

"Well i'm not going in there." Bruce put his hands up.

"Someone has to! we need to make her... not Savage." Tony sighed, Loki groaned as he got off from leaning on the wall with an ice pack on his head and a bandage on his wound on his neck.

"I'll do it." He said, all eyes turned to him.

"Are you nuts? she almost ate you." Natasha said, Loki waved it off.

"Like Tony said, someone has to and the doctor won't." Loki gestured to Bruce and he cleared his throat scratching the back of his neck.

Samara finally fell asleep, and was able to have Bruce and Thor help pick her up and bring her to the lab, they tied her to a table so she won't get up and escape, they muzzled her so she wouldn't bite.

"why can't she turn into her human form?" Thor asked wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Her dad must have done something, i'll do my research and see what i can do." Bruce assured and Thor nodded as he went into the elevator to go upstairs to the rest of the Avengers, they put a camera in the Lab so they can watch the process.

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt