"Really!?" Sasuke asked excitedly.

"You'll let us train with you!?" Naruto yelled, stars in his eyes. The boys look at each other and scarf down the rest of their ramen.

"Finished!" Both boys yell.

"I have to finish mine first you idiots!"

After everyone had finished their meals, Hanzo and the boys made their way to an open field to train. But, Konohamaru had been following them the whole time.

"So, how should be train today?" Hanzo asked.

"Oh, teach me how to breath fire!" Naruto said.

"Teach me how to summon a water dragon!" Sasuke said.

"Hold on, those are a bit advanced for the both of you. First, we'll see how Naruto's shadow clones are coming along, and then we'll practice the Fireball Jutsu, alright Sasuke?"

"Gotcha." Sasuke said.

"Ready when you are, Hanzo."

"Alright, lets-" Hanzo is interrupted when Konohamaru falls to the ground from a tree in front them. The three simply stares at Konohamaru in silence.

"Ow." Konohamaru said getting to his feet.

"Who's the runt?" Sasuke asked. Konohamaru jumps to his feet and dramatically points to Hanzo.

"You! You will train me!"

"Huh!?!" Naruto and Sasuke yelled in surprise.

"I demand that you train me. I am the grandson of the hokage, so I am your superior!"

"Where do you get off at bossing our big brother around!?" Sasuke yelled.

"Yeah, Hanzo could flatten you in a second!"

"Boys that's enough." Hanzo said calmly. Sasuke and Naruto back down but continue to glare at Konohamaru. Hanzo approaches Konohamaru and kneels in front of him to meet his eye.

"Why do you want me to train you?"

"Becuase... I want to be my own person."


"Everyone in the village, even the ninja, only see me as the Hokage's grandson. No one uses my name, I'm not even sure anyone even knows it. You're the only person in the village to call me by my name. I want to be the Hokage so everyone will treat me for who I am, not for who I'm related to."

"That's an admirable goal, Konohamaru. Then we better start training."

Konohamaru looked at Hanzo in shock and happiness. Over the next few hours, Hanzo trained the three boys. He helped Naruto perfect his shadow clones, Sasuke with his fire jutsu, and Konohamaru with taijutsu. However, they were cut short when Ebisu arrived and gave a cold stare to the Uzumaki brothers.

"Honorable Grandson, what are you doing with these delinquents?" Ebisu said.

"Training, what's it look like?!"

"Training? With this disgrace of a Jonin?"

"What'd you say?!" Naruto yelled.

"We'll teach you!" Sasuke shouted. Naruto and Sasuke jump towards Ebisu, but the jonin swats the boys away like flies.

"You honestly thought the two of you could take me?"

"They cant, but I can, Ebisu." Hanzo stayed stepping forward. Ebisu turns to Hanzo. Hanzo draws his sword and gets into a fighting stance, as does Ebisu.

"You may have bested Mizuki, but I am far above that fool."

"I suppose we'll see."

The air grows still as the two jonin stare at each other. Konohamaru, Sasuke, and Naruto watch with bated breath, waiting to see what will happen.

Finally, the two ninja charge each other. Hanzo takes a swing with his sword, but Ebisu ducks to dodge it only to be met with a kick to face. Ebisu recovers, but finds the blade of Hanzo's sword at his throat.

"If I wanted you dead, Ebisu. You would be."

"I... concede..."

"Good, now leave."

"I'm not leaving without the Honorable Grandson!"

"Konohamaru, go with Ebisu."

"What?! But-" Konohamaru protests, but Hanzo stops him.

"And when ever you want to train, come find me." Konohamaru looks at Hanzo in shock, but smiles and nods his head.

"Alright, Uzumaki-Sensei." With that Ebisu and Konohamaru leave.

"How about we go home." Hanzo says turning to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Yeah, let's go home." Naruto agrees.

"Can we have ramen for dinner?" Sasuke asks.

"You had tons at Ichiraku's!!!"

"Well we want more!" Naruto says smiling.

"You always want more!" Hanzo yelled before all three of them start laughing.

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