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Jisoo POV

"Hello Jisoo ! "

Jisoo:Who are you?Where am i ?

Relax! Relax! I am just here to talk.

Jisoo: Why its so dark here, tell me, please?

Suddenly light entered my eyes and.......i was completely out of my mind.....after what i saw.
I was standing in the front of Han River. No one was there, it was all empty.
No, this is not real. I am in Auckland right now....in the party....at Kai's house. I can't be here.

"I know you miss your home. Aishh....I miss this place too.So many old memories."

Jisoo: Jennie.......!!!!! 

No this is not real. She's standing in front of me with wide smile on her face. No, she never smiles for me.This can't be true. She's playing tricks with my mind.

Jisoo:What are you doing here....and you are totally.....fine.We...were at the terrace....you were....in pain.

Jennie: Awww...aren't you happy seeing me okay?

Jisoo: Who are you exactly ?Why are you doing this? What you want?

Jennie: You don't know! But you said you'll never let me get what i want! So this means.... You know what i want?

Jisoo: No, this is not true. You are playing with my mind. You are not real.

She came near my face and put her lips near my ear. Then she whispered in my ear,

Then how i am in real? Hmm.....

Jisoo: You....are...You are.....

Yes,i don't know who she really is.....except one thing....she's not what she shows to everyone. She faced me again and crossed her arms.

Jennie: Look at you....how terrified....you are right now...

Jisoo: I am not....afraid of you....

Jennie: But your trembling voice is not supporting your words.

Jisoo: I know....you can't do anything to....me. I'll never give.....you.... those powers.

Jennie: I see.... So you know everything ! How smart you are, Jisoo. Then you would also know that you don't deserve those powers! You don't even know how to use them. How will you save yourself ?

I looked at both my hands. Yes, i don't know how to use my powers? How to protect them and myself ? But i can't pass them to a person like her. I'll never give them to you, Jennie! 

Jennie: Awww.... Are you waiting for your cute flame wrapped hands to save you again?

She know about that incident. I looked up and she was not there.

Jennie: Hey! I am here.

I looked at my left and she was standing few feets away from me.

Jennie: Lets see how much power you have? But firstly, how about i show you mine?

And with that slowly,she  clutched her hand into a fist in front of me and i felt my whole body being crushed by some force. The more i tried to free myself, the more grip increased. It was getting difficult to breathe and there was severe pain coursing through my whole body like my all bones got broken at once. She laughing at me, enjoying my pain. I tried to help myself, but no use, i was totally helpless like a frivilous prey clutched in her grip , screaming in pain, waiting for her to spare me.
She holded my face with her hand.

Jennie: Look at you ! So helpless & vulnerable....holding so much power but still powerless. Mrs. Kim will be so disappointed to know that her daughter was so fragile.....and what about manager oppa,ohh poor man believes that you are a very strong girl! I feel pity for them. I don't know how I'll tell them this but i have to..... Where's your Keeper Jisoo? Who'll save you now?

No..... No..... No..... My family can't get involved in this. I can't put them in danger because of me. How she knows about Amma and Oppa? She can do anything. I have to stop her.... I have to save my family.....i have to keep them away from her.....but my powers....why i have them if i can't use them. No....Rings....they can save them....Unnie said I'll know myself.....but i don't have time.....Think Jisoo....think about rings.....
I closed my eyes and focused on only one thing..... Elemental Rings and its powers..... Rings you need them....you need them to help your family.... They are the only power that can save your everything....Please help me.... I need your powers.....

Everything went black again, only few lights were glowing around me. Colorful lights....so enchanting and hypnotising....
Suddenly i realised... They are not lights... They are rings.... Elemental rings..... I tried to hold the one they disappeared and everything went black.

Who are you? A male voice asked but it was very calm and heavenly.

Jisoo: I am Jisoo.... Kim Jisoo.

And why you are here?

Jisoo: For.... Rings. Yes, i am here for rings.

And why do you need them?

Jisoo: To save my family. They are in danger. Keeper... She said only i can summon the rings and i need them to save my family and everyone from the ones who wants to hurt them. They are after the rings.

So do you think you deserve them?

Everyone is questioning me because i can't use my powers but i can't let my family in danger. I decided.

Jisoo: I don't know i am worthy or not but i know one thing, i can't let my family get destroyed in front of my eyes. They are threatening me for these rings and my family is also getting involved in this game. I will do everything i can to save them....with or without rings. I don't know why i get choosen for all this but there must be a reason. And i can't let my family pay the cost of all of this.

Now you are talking like a real AGASTHA .

Jisoo: AGASTHA ?

Yes AGASTHA,the protector of rings and you are AGASTHA. Jisoo, the rings only choose whose soul is purest and strongest. You can have them now but remember one thing...you can't let them in wrong hands. They are your responsibility now. People are not like they seems to be. Your one mistake can lead to disaster of mankind. You have to be strong and fight everything which is danger to these powers.

Jisoo: Yes i know it very well now.

You can go now.

Jisoo:But the rings....

You already have them now....with you....in you.... everywhere around you....
They aren't some physical substance that you need to carry everytime....they are most powerful force of whole Earth.

Jisoo: Just like that....

Yes, Just like that....

Jisoo: Can i ask you something ?


Jisoo:  What place is this and Who are you?

This place......just think that its all in your mind and....
I am..... VALOS .


WHO ARE YOU, AGASTHA? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ