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Lisa POV

It has been a week and Rosé is leaving tommorow. I don't want her to go but Irene convinced me that she's totally safe in dorm and Jisoo will not do anything to her in front of so many people and she's also there to keep her safe. I don't know if its right or not to keep them both near her.
I opened my door as someone was out and Rosé was standing there.

Lisa: Hey! What are you doing here?

Rosé: Ohh... I came to say goodbye. You know... And thanks for having me in your home and i really enjoyed here.

Lisa: Why goodbye? We study in same university, Rosé and we are friends.

Rosé: Yes, best friends.

Lisa: Best friends !

"What are you both doing? Plotting against me? "

Rosé: She's giving me advice on how to court you,Jennie.

Lisa: Yes, she knows nothing about you, kiddo! She really need to work hard.

Jennie:Owww...just watch a documentary with me or read an history book with me and I'll be yours forever, Rosé .

Rosé: Time for lap again. Hey Lisa! I think i really need to borrow your sports shoes now !

Lisa : Sure! But why you need them at night? Its really late now, we can jog in the morning if you want to.

Rosé and Jennie burst into laughter and i was still confused.

Lisa: What?

Rosé: Nothing ! You look very cute when you are confused.

She pinched my cheek still laughing and i think she realised what she did because soon she stopped laughing and was looking anywhere except me.

Lisa: ummm...thanks. I think we should go to sleep now. Its really late now.

Jennie : Yes, we should.

They were about to close their door when i stopped them again .

Lisa: Umm....if you want to jog tommorow then can take my sports shoes from last rack. The white ones. But i don't know if they'll fit you or not.

Rosé: Yes, I'll. Thank you very much.

She closed the door and then i heard Jennie and Rosé laugh echoing in Jennie's room. I still don't know what they are laughing about?

Jisoo POV

I was sitting in my chair in the class when someone came and hugged me from behind.

Rosé: Missed me!

Jisoo: Rosé! You are finally back. You don't know how much i really missed you.

Rosé: But i texted you all the time, Jisoo.

Jisoo: Yeah, you did. But i still missed your presence.

Rosé: Me too, Jisoo!  But you know Jennie........

Jisoo: yaaa....

I wanted to know about Jennie  but i can't show it clearly.

Jisoo:'s she doing now?

Rosé: She's totally fine now, Jisoo. Thank God ,nothing bad happened. I still can't believe that something like this happened to her. Don't know who that bastard was who did this to her !

Jisoo: Wait!  She don't know who did this to her ?

Rosé: Unfortunately, it was dark and she said she didn't see the face. The security cam was also not working at that time so nothing got recorded.

WHO ARE YOU, AGASTHA? Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora