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Jennie POV

I reached home and Lisa was working on her laptop with her working glasses on. She popped her head up and give me a smile.

Lisa: Everything's okay with your friend,kiddo. You said you were coming to parking lot on call and then messaged me to went home alone.

Jennie: Yes, she was just little down today and wanted company. How's your practice going, everything's on line?

Lisa: Everything's fine and going according to our schedule. Did you met Jisoo also?

Jennie: Spidey!!! I meet her everyday. She's in English Literature Class and Irene is her friend. So i can't avoid her even if i want to.

Lisa: Okkkk but take care of yourself. By the way you have any new friend beside that Rosé girl?

Jennie: No, you know i don't even talk to anyone beside her in university. Why are you asking ?

Lisa: Nothing, i was just wondering. You should have more friends, thats it.

Jennie: ummm.... I want to ask you about something?

Lisa: Speak Kiddo.....

Jennie: I was wondering if you have any free time this weekend?

Lisa: Why you want to go somewhere?  I only have baseball practice in the morning , nothing special. I will cancel it for you if you want to.

Jennie: No.... You don't need to cancel your practice for me and i don't need to go anywhere. The thing is...... one of Rosé friend wants to take your interview for this week's blog........ but she's very nervous because its her first time. So Rosé said .......she'll help her, so can you give your interview to Rosé. I mean only if you want to. She'll only ask you some questions about your game, nothing more. (oh Rosé, now i am lying to Lisa for your crush😞😞)

Lisa was looking at the wall and thinking something. Rosé plan will fail if Lisa disagreed to give her interview.

Lisa: What's the name of girl?

Jennie: Rosé????

Lisa: No, the other girl.

Jennie: ohhh, Mina.... She's Rosé neighbor and friend.
So will you give the interview or not???

Lisa: How can i reject you, my kiddo? And it doesn't matter who takes the interview as long as questions are senseful. I am free in the evening on weekend. Just tell your friend to come home this weekend. She can interview me here and then you both can spend some time together also. If she's comfortable otherwise no pressure.

Jennie: Thank you so much Spidey!!!! I'll tell Rosé about it.

Lisa: Okkk.... Now go and change yourself. I'll bring something upstairs for you to eat.

Jennie: Thanks but you don't need to. I already ate with Rosé and Jisoo at their place. But I'll not mind drinking some coffee with my best friend and my favourite cousin. Don't tell Bam that i called you my favourite. He'll not let me see the end of day if he knew that i said such thing.😂😂😂

Lisa: Ohhh hell like you can stop me!😂😂 okay i am going to kitchen now to brew some coffee. Go freshen up kiddo!!!

I gave a bear hug to Lisa and she kissed my forehead.

I went to my room to freshen up and change my clothes. I sent Rosé a message about my conversation with Lisa and went inside washroom. I was washing my face when i remembered Rosé words about that cliche movie scene. What if Jisoo has cleaned my mouth with her fingers instead of offering me tissue? What her touch would've felt like? I looked at my face at mirror and it was tomato red. Oh God what i am thinking?

Lisa: Kiddoooooo!!! Are you still inside washroom? Come hurry up otherwise coffee will get cold. I bring some cookies also.

I cleaned my face and went outside. Lisa offered me my coffee and we went on to talk about so many things like baseball, Art and Bam. Talking to her always feels like a therapy .

Rosé POV

Rose: So whats your decision. Did you liked the deal or not?

Mina: Rosé, your deal is perfect. There's no problem in interview but why you told them i was nervous, i mean its my Major for God sake?😕😕

Rosé : I wasn't in my right mind when i spat that bullshit in front of her. Now i need to clean this shit. You help me impress my crush and I'll help you approach Sana.😉😉😉

Mina: How do you.......know about Sana?😯

Rosé : Ohh come on!!!  You are too obvious not to notice. Anyone can tell how much desparate you were to become her dormmate when you heard that she's shifting to dorm. I mean, don't you think its too much.... i mean you can easily afford a good rental apartment.

Mina: Saying the person who's stalking her crush from an eternity and now lying about her Major also just to impress her. 😂😂😂😂

Rosé : Okay now tell me what i should ask her for interview? I mean i haven't met or seen her, i only heard about her from Jennie.

Mina: OMG Rosé ,you are her cousin's only friend and you know nothing about her? 😳😳😳 She's one of the most fucking hot girl of this university and God when she wears that Club Jacket......i can't even tell you how hot she looks in that.

Rosé : Whatever, right now my only focus is my crush. Now tell me what i should ask her???

Mina: Okay! First make a list of questions you can ask her.Your questions should be about their preprations for upcoming season, her vision as captain for team and related to her team's strategy. You can also ask her number for me. I wouldn't mind!😉😉😉

Rosé : Thanks for giving me an idea about what to ask  and I'll  surely ask her number but for Sana ,not for you. 😁😁😁

Mina: Hey! I was just joking. I have the number i need.

Rosé : Ok i am going now, Jisoo is alone in the room. If you need any help just punch the wall but make sure to punch hard. 😂😂😂

Mina: I will like to punch your face instead of wall.😂

==========================Jisoo POV

I wake up from my sleep because i was feeling thirsty. I looked at time,it was around 3 a.m. . I opened my water bottle to drink water and i saw that Rosé was working on her laptop with serious look on her face.

Jisoo: Rosé!  What are you doing at this hour. Why aren't you sleeping?😲

Rosé : I am reading about baseball, Jisoo. I am preparing for interview that i have to take of Jennie's cousin.😥

Jisoo: ohh you are preparing for Lisa's interview.  But still its very late and you should sleep now.😶

Rosé : But i know nothing about baseball and i have to take this interview tommorow.
I have only one day to prepare. 😤

Jisoo: Ohh Rosé, I'll share my whole valuable baseball knowledge with you,you know its my favourite sports and we can search together if you need anything more.😎😎😎

Rosé : You know everything about baseball. Thank you so much Jisoo. You are really my saviour. First you saved me from Jennie's documentary😂😂and now you are helping me again to save me from her cousin this time.😗😗😗

Jisoo: 😂Yes and your saviour wants you to sleep now. So lets sleep okay. Don't think too much about it.

Rosé : 😊😊😊😊ok, good night....

Jisoo: Good night😊😊😊

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