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Hi, i am Jennie. I am 19 years old and am currently going to attend UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZELAND.
I know you got little scared by my dream. I can feel you. I also get the same chills everytime. But i need to find that voice. I need to find 'THE DESTROYER".The one who killed my mother,AGASTHA and my father, THE KEEPER. The one who took my everything from me and i don't even know who that person is.
Maybe you have guessed by now that am not a normal human. I belong to the "THE VALOS" clan. We are humans, just with hyperactive senses. Ohh and yes,everyone in our family has some special powers and source of these awesome powers are Elemental Rings. Yes, the same rings that fucker talks about everytime in my dream. Even i don't know where these rings are. But before these rings, i need to find "AGASTHA".
YES, AGASTHA, the only person who can touch those rings.The person my life belongs to. The person i need to save.

Our world which looks very happy and full of hustle-bustle was not like this from the start.

THE VALOS, the supreme leader of our Earth with his sightfullness and principles converted this land full of chaos into peacful one. But everthing has a price. He has to loose his life in order to defeat THE DESTROYER who tried to invade our peaceful world.

THE DESTROYER, lord of dark moon, who wants to rule the Earth and in order to achieve his goal, he wants THE VALOS powers.

THE VALOS knew what THE DESTROYER was upto. So to put an end to this fight, he transferred most of his all powers back into the five elements of Earth i.e. FIRE, WATER, EARTH, AIR AND SKY.
He transferred his remaining powers into five elemental rings and lost his life.

Only AGASTHA know where these rings are and how to achieve them. Only AGASTHA can touch the elemental rings and can also transfer its powers to someone else if wants to.
And THE KEEPER, one who lives his whole life dedicating it to AGASTHA. THE KEEPER'S only motto is "SAVE AGASTHA EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO KILL SOMEONE ELSE. "
You don't get choice to become AGASTHA or KEEPER, the rings choose you itself.

But noone will tell you this story, cause to normal humans, its just a fantasy, a hoax,written to entertain our mind. But this is our history, THE VALOS's history.
My Mother, she was also a AGASTHA and my Father, her keeper. Both sacrificed their lives in front of my eyes.

Now the rings has choosen me as THE KEEPER. I was 13 years old, when they chose me. How i knew it? You'll surely knew it when you'll feel power of a full lightning crossing through your body and leaving a burning sign of THE KEEPER (Φ) on your ribs.
I can't tell or ask anyone about AGASTHA . It'll put AGASTHA in danger. You never know, a simple looking person can be a THE DESTROYER's puppet. I have to see the signs, the signs of AGASTHA.

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