I take off and Loki grabs onto my leg for support, i laugh at his reaction to being tossed around while i fly.

"you do this regularly?!" he asked over the high winds.

"Sometimes!" i called back, he soon calmed down and watched the view while we flew. It was beautiful really, i loved seeing the building zip by, and the confused people watched.

i went to the plain grass field and found a high tree, i placed Loki on a branch and laid next to him. "Why are we here?" he asked.

"I usually come here whenever i need to get my mind off things." He nodded and looked off into the distance. I saw my parents house and a stray tear left my eyes.

"i'll take you back to the Tower, i need to go somewhere." i said, Loki cocked a brow at me.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere, here." i flew up and grabbed Loki flying his fast back to the tower, i landed and put him down softly.

"I need to pay my parents a visit." and before he could protest i left, i saw his mouth open and i didn't want to listen to him protest that it isn't safe or that i'll hurt more.

I fly to my parents apartment, and turn to my human form, i knock of the door once i get inside the apartment building, my father opens it.

"Do i know you?" he asked, i nodded.

"My name is Samara, your daughter, remember?" i asked snarky, his eyes turned to anger.

"What didn't you understand by not coming back?" he asked, my face changed to complete anger.

"None of it" i growled, and my surroundings changed, i felt a tail break through my skin, blood trickling down, sharp teeth poking my lip, my eyes targeted my dad. "And now, you will pay" i lunged at my dad, sending him flying to the wall, i growled lowly as i stalked towards him angrily.

"Samara!" My dad said warningly, i growled and roared at him, i was my tiger form, and my dad has always hated tigers, terrified of them. My mom ran into the room and froze in shock.

"It's Samara!" My dad told her, she got terrified along with my dad.

"You abandoned me! left me for dead and i was only a kid who needed their parents support!! you ignorant fools!!" i yelled, growling, drool dripping from my canines, right now, these humans look tasty.

"Samara don't!" My mom yelled, holding her hand out. i ignored her and slashed at her hand, she brought her hand back scared. Then i saw my parents go pale, they weren't looking at me, they were looking behind me.

"Samara don't." I heard a deep familiar voice behind me. "I know your dream, you killed them, before you tried to with me when i woke up, and it's not worth it, they are pathetic and worthless and aren't worth your time." i turn my head and see Loki, as a... Snake?

"Why are you a snake?" i asked, he slithered up to me.

"I got here faster that way, my powers are limited due to my idiotic father." He turned into his human form and put a hand on my head. "Don't do it."

"Let me at them!" I yelled, i lunged and Loki turned into a Panther and knocked me away from the old couple. I didn't realize i was fighting Loki, he was keeping me away.

"It's not worth it Samara snap out of it!" Loki yelled out of breath.

"you idiot! let me kill them slowly and make them suffer!" i growled, I jumped at my parents and Loki chomped my tail and swung me around and i hit the wall behind me.

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu