• Chapitre Dix

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Welcome back, everyone! Last time, we concluded the first major arc of this story. Hm, very exciting, yes. Okay! Reading time, enjoy!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, this way I can correct them ASAP)



"Gowsh, dis puddin' so good!" Dawn excitedly exclaimed as she made Serena's chocolate pudding a victim of one of her eating frenzies.

Gary gave a satisfied hum. "You can say that again, I forgot just how stacked Serena's fridge was!"

"Mom's absolutely gonna kill me..." The poor victim of all this was sitting opposite of the two ravenous fiends, with her hands in her hair. All hope seemed lost.

Awkwardly, I looked at this situation. With Serena next to me, I just felt the obligation to comfort her. Though she may seem sad due to the pudding massacre, I simply get the constant feeling of wanting to support her after everything she's been through. "I-I'm sure you'll be alright."

"How?!" She began to violently shake me. "Tell me, Ash, how will I be alright when those two," she paused to point at the two culprits, "have already eaten four puddings in total?!" She pressed her head against my arm, still holding on to me. "The darkness of their hunger is inescapable after all."

She's so close, I thought. "There, there," patting her back, I still couldn't really wrap my head around the insanity of the situation. "Someone once told me, or I might've read this somewhere... No, I think I figured this out on my own," Serena's arms let go of me, she didn't even look up as I told her my terrible anecdote. "Well, basically, you shouldn't keep lingering on the past, it's already happened and mulling over it won't change anything! Or something!"

"Ash," she spoke in a soft voice. "You're so terrible at this, that it actually works...''

"For real!" Shouted Gary as he emptied his most recent pudding. "I mean, it's happened, man. The pudding's gone, we enjoyed it. Oh, and we beat the final boss: Calem! There's nothing to be sad-"

The front door opened. "Serena, I'm ho-" The newly appeared middle aged woman arrived at the scene, as she looked down upon us four. Gary and Dawn stared back, with chocolate smeared faces. "Dawn, Gary," the woman started, "the pudding?"

Dawn stayed silent. Gary looked down.

The woman fell to the ground, along with her grocery filled bags. "No! No! No!"

My eyes jumped between every single character in this room. The woman slamming the floor with her hands, Gary and Dawn looking down with widened eyes and Serena silently mumbling to herself. Where have I ended up?


"We sincerely apologize for our idiotic and rude behavior," the two guilty teenagers bowed to the ground, apologizing to the woman, who apparently seemed to be Serena's mother.

Her eyes skimmed over the two of them sharply, before she gave a sigh. "I guess I'll allow it, just this time."

The stupendous duo of sheer idiocy raised their head, their faces filled with hope. "Really?"

She was about to answer, but stopped right before saying even a single word. Silence rose, until suddenly, the mother broke out in laughter. "You kids are absolutely hilarious," she continued to laugh even louder than before.

Both moron A and moron B looked at each other, before falling into a laughing fit themselves. I couldn't really believe my eyes, not any one of them seemed to be stopping any time soon. My head turned to Serena, her face covered by her hands. She looked as if she were trembling. "Sere-" as soon as I reached her with my hand, it became clear she wasn't crying. No, she too, became a victim of this infectious wave of laughter. Honestly, nothing could keep a smile from forming on my face.

Sweet, Like Honey - Pokémon {SatoSere}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz