• Chapitre Un

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Welcome to the first chapter of Sweet, Like Honey. I hope you'll enjoy!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, this way I can correct it ASAP)



*Three Years Later*

The summer has not even ended completely, yet school starts anyway. When I look outside I can see some trees taking their early leaves; it is undeniable that autumn is coming.

The train to Lumiose city is always fully packed, but this time I managed to find a seat.
Well, 'find' isn't exactly the right word for it.

There was a boy, around my age as far as I could see, and when he noticed I was standing in such a large crowd, he offered me his seat.

Which was really kind of him, of course, but not the smartest decision he could make. Nearly everyone who frequently uses the Vaniville-Lumiose line, knows that one should always take a seat when possible. Because it can get quite messy after just one station.

He must be new around here, is what I thought. Which reminds me, there should be a transfer student coming to our class from today onwards. If we can assume that information is correct, that is. Barry is the one who informed us after all.

-Coming up, Lumiose Central Station, final stop on the Vaniville-Lumiose line. Please prepare to exit. Thank you and have a nice day!-

With that, I grabbed my bag from underneath my seat and carefully got up, standing amidst the crowd. After mere minutes the train slowly came to a halt, but given the fact that I haven't ridden the train for more than month, I lost my balance a quite a bit when the last brake kicked in.

And just with my luck, I managed to bump right into the same guy who offered me his seat and not just that, I was unconsciously holding onto his arm for support. Saying that I felt embarrassed was a large understatement.

Of course we made eye contact not long after and I'm certain that my cheeks were glowing bright red like always again.

"O-oh uhm... I-I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention at all! I just suddenly lost my balance a-a-and-" My apologies quickly turned into rambling, right as I got cut off by him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it! We all lose our balance once in a while, right?" He gave me a cheerful, toothy grin and his other arm to get me fully upright again.

Before our cozy conversation could carry on any further though, the people crowded around the exit all decided to get out as quickly as they could, no matter the risks. Like we were a massive block of butter, slightly melted, we all slowly but surely pushed or got pushed through the exit.

Every passenger went their own way, until just me and that raven-haired boy still stood here... awkwardly.

"This uhh... might be a bit rude to ask right of the bat, but I don't really know my way around Lumiose City. Is it possible you could help me?" He scratched his neck, probably from slight embarrassment.

"O-oh sure! And it isn't rude at all, I mean Lumiose City is kind of like a maze the first couple times you're here. So where do you need to go?"

"Great, thanks! I need to find Lumiose High School, I'm supposed to be transferring there today." He gave me a grateful smile.

"If that's the case, you can just walk with me. I'm actually headed for Lumiose High as well." I motioned at him to follow me.

"Ah convenient! Thanks uhh..."

"Oh I'm Serena Yvonne, nice to meet you." I smiled while reaching out my hand.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, nice to meet you too Serena. I guess we will probably see each other in school again, right?"

"If you don't forget your way there, that is." Ash chuckled at my comment.

The route to school wasn't that difficult, just a couple of turns before continuing alongside the main road; you'll eventually notice a building that looks very different compared to almost all the other buildings. You see, the high school also functions as this region's professor's lab, and said professor seems to like the word style quite a lot...

Just after a couple minutes, we had already arrived at the school. "Well here we are, Lumiose High School." I gestured to the tall building with loads of teenagers swarming in and around it.

"Damn... this school's a lot bigger than the one in Pallet Town." He seemed amazed.

"You come from... Kanto?"

"Yeah, and probably from the smallest town there." He laughed.

"Actually, I think I've been in Pallet Town before. Quite a while back though."

"Really? It must've been a shock seeing how quiet it was there, huh."

I shook my head. "Not really, the town where I live is pretty quiet and peaceful too... a-anyways, do you need me to show you to the faculty office?" I cut myself off before I continued my rambling again.

"Oh that'd be great! There would be absolutely no way I'd be able to find it on my own."



"It should be just at the end of the hall-"


That scared the crap out of me! It might've actually made me jump too.

Serena rolled her eyes while smiling. "Daaaawn, I told you not to be so loud in the hallways, now everyone's staring at us!"

The blue-haired, who was just yelling Serena's name and running over here, is apparently called Dawn. She immediately hugged Serena. "Like I care! I haven't seen you in over month, so just let me be happy and loud for once."

"What do you mean? You're always loud Dawn."

"No I'm not!" Dawn exclaimed.

Serena and I both sweatdropped.

"Anyways, who is this guy Serena?" Dawn eyed me suspiciously, which got me rather uncomfortable.

"Oh, this is Ash, apparently he's a transfer student. I met him earlier in the train and showed him the way here, I was about to bring him to the faculty office as well." Serena explained.

"I see... Nice to meet ya Ash! I'm Dawn!" She gave me a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you too Dawn." I shook her hand after she reached it out for me to shake.

"Back to the main topic though, the faculty office is right over there Ash." Serena pointed to a door which indeed had the sign saying 'Faculty Office" above it.

"Don't worry, we'll wait here for you to get back!" Dawn reassured me.

"Alright, thanks!" With that, I quickly went to the faculty office to get all my stuff and things in order.


With that said, the first chapter has come to an end, ready to commence the second one. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see ya next time!

Please consider to leave behind a vote, a comment or whatever, as all the support/feedback is highly appreciated ;p

Published: 10th of May, 2019

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