• Chapitre Huit

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We back! Welcome to the eighth chapter of Sweet, Like Honey!
We're almost at 1,5k reads total on this story, which is quite a bit. Thank you for that!
I say we aim for 10k next hahaha
Anyways, have a good time reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, this way I can correct them ASAP)



After a suspense filled mission at the station, we were finally able to take a breather now that we made it to the train. Right now, we're tracking down the man himself, Calem the culprit, hoping to find some useable evidence. Given what happened yesterday and what Calem has been doing recently, we just had to set our plan in motion as soon as possible.

I felt someone nudge my shoulder. "Ash."


"Lemme fill you in on some more details before we get to Vaniville. I've been to the place quite often during all the time I lived here and it's basically a small, super quiet town. This means it'll be easy for us to stand out, which is a problem. Not because the people will think we're weird, but it'll be easy for Calem to notice us." Gary scratched his chin as he unfolded his plan before me. "We can't go running around like in Lumiose station."

I agreed, we have to take this seriously. "Roger that, you got any strategies regarding 'not standing out'?"

"Well, I know the place to some degree, I'm also familiar with the area in which Calem lives. I say we try to keep our distance, since not much will be there to block our sight. We will play it safe, because we can."

"Good, let's do this."

Not much time passed, before the train arrived at it's final stop. Vaniville station. Merging ourselves with the crowd, which wasn't that large, we exited the train. It didn't take long at all to spot a beat up red cap among the mass. Both Gary and I spotted him at the same time, and we nodded in agreement.

With our hands in our pockets, we separated from the thin crowd as it's entirety left the small station. Gary looked left and right, seemingly checking if Calem didn't take any surprising turns. My friend's neutral expression tells me he went straight home. So of course, we continued to follow him, from a distance.

To be honest, nothing quite interesting happened while we were tailing him. The teen kept looking down at the ground, making eye contact with no one. I think we might not even be noticed if we were to walk only a few meters behind him. Stay cautious though! We can't mess this up.

Gary halted for a split second. Calem took a turn and I don't know wether it was a good turn or not.

"He's not going home."

We stepped onto a different path, one which apparently went parallel with Calem's new route. Every fifty to a hundred meters, a gap appeared between the houses, this allowed us to keep an eye on our guy still. He was in our sight for the first three gaps, but then he disappeared before the fourth.

"We gotta hurry." Gary led the way to the fourth little alleyway.

If Calem disappeared before the fourth, it means he can be located at one of six different houses. With our backs against the wall, we peered onto the street. My eyes widened. "Gary, look!" I directed my friend's eyes to the second house across the street. With his phone in hand, he hoped to snap some kind of evidence. But the girl never appeared. Calem just got sucked into the house, no, he invited himself in, without the girl ever coming outside.

The door shut close. "Damn it!" Gary's fist met the wall. "We can't do shit with this." The pictures he took only showed our guy standing in front of the house and entering it. "This won't be enough."

Sweet, Like Honey - Pokémon {SatoSere}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя