Chapter 24 - And if only they could feel it too, that happiness I feel with you

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"Well? What did Fandrall say? Has Sigyn accepted the girl as her handmaiden?"

"She has. Sigyn took Rúna to her chambers to meet Loki and show her what she was to do. Fandrall came to find me after escorting them there."

The Allfather nodded approvingly. Thor exchanged a quick glance with his mother. They were both thinking the same; hopefully, Rúna's presence would be enough to show the people, and Odin too, that Loki and Sigyn had nothing to hide.

After speaking with his sister, Thor had gone straight to Odin and Frigga to tell them of Sigyn's terms. His father had immediately questioned if these actually were her own or if they were Loki's, and Thor assured him that Loki, too, was bound by her demands. It did not sit well with him that after thirty years, and after everything Loki had done to prove that he loved Sigyn, Odin still held doubt over his true motives. Thor had tried to reassure his father, as he had tried to do with the people, that Sigyn's words and actions were her own and Loki held no sway over her.
He understood his brother was protective of Sigyn after the terrible heartache and grief she had endured. He would be too if she were his wife. Yet, if Loki acted the way he had in their chamber in public, it could easily be misinterpreted. The people wouldn't see a husband safeguarding his beloved wife; they would see the Trickster ensuring no one else got close to his favourite toy.

The meeting between Rúna and Sigyn had to be postponed for almost a week since Sigyn was unwell for several days after arriving in Asgard (which only made the rumours rise again), but this gave Thor and Fandrall time to prepare for it. The Crown Prince instructed his friend carefully on what he was to do and pay attention to. Since Sigyn would allow no one else but Fandrall to be present in the room, it fell to the youngest member of the Warriors Three to be both guardian and, regrettably, spy.

"What did Fandrall say about Sigyn?" the Allfather asked next. "How was she with the girl?"

"Vigilant but kind," replied Thor. "She opened up to the conversation after some time, visibly at ease with her."

"Could he detect anything about her that suggested sorcery was at work?"

"Oh, for mercy's sake." Frigga gave an exasperated sigh.

"Frigga, I will not have your meddling this time." Odin bit back at her. "I allowed your presence whilst I spoke of this to Thor but only if you kept quiet."

The Queen huffed and turned on her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. Thor wanted to speak up in defence of his mother, but he knew it would be to no avail. And he wouldn't want her to be sent away from the room. Even in silence, she could still be a fierce advocate for Loki and his wife.

"Thor, please answer my question. Did Fandrall see anything that could have hinted to Sigyn using or being used by magic?"

Thor pressed his lips together. He had to tread carefully now.

"Nothing indicated this," he said.


"She touched her pendant several times. But she does this all the time, Father, you've seen it. It does not mean anything. It's just... something she does to ground herself. She draws comfort from it."

Odin sighed wearily.

"Thor, need I remind you that that necklace was one of the first things your brother gave her to win her over? To control her?"

"He is not controlling her."

"We cannot be certain of that."

"Yes, we can. Please have faith in your son."

The Allfather's one eye narrowed.

"You've spoken with this girl, this Rúna, before, yes?"

Thor nodded, silently wondering what his father's motives were.

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