Chapter 18 - Ready as I'll ever be

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Though officially Nornheim did belong to the Realm of Asgard, the sovereign Queen, Karnilla, long ago declared it a separate country with no allegiance toward Asgard. Karnilla did not recognise Odin as her ruler, but as long as she was not a threat to the other Realms, the Allfather allowed her the impression that she ruled Nornheim alone. Something he only did at the insistence of Frigga, who saw Karnilla as a dear friend since she was a fellow magic wielder. 
After making their plans known to their parents, Loki had requested Frigga contact Karnilla. It may well be that the Mistress of Magic had no idea Sigyn was being held captive in her domain, and she might reconsider the apparent alliance she had with Lady Sunna once she learned the truth. But even if the Norn forces of demon and man did not fight this day, they would still have to face the Marauders and Lady Sunna's unknown magic.

The Bifrost carried the Einherjar to the edge of the Norn Forest. From there, Sigyn's brother led Thor and Loki on a carefully marked path toward the Nornkeep, where Sigyn was kept in a labyrinth of caves just beneath the ridge atop where the Keep stood. Only by walking the path could one pass the magic shield and get to where the Marauders were. But once you were in, no one came out. Not unless they had Lady Sunna's permission.
Had Aeric not pointed out the faint scratches on the trees and rocks, neither Thor nor Loki would have noticed them. They were so randomly placed, an animal could have made them. But when formed together, they formed runes. Barrier runes. This was basic magic that any sorcerer could wield. Strong and effective to keep anything and anyone out, including beings as powerful as Heimdall. The trick to pass was to recognise it. And thanks to Aeric, Loki had.
He undid the barrier fairly quickly with a counterspell so that the army would not fall under its effects. But Loki imagined the barrier spell was not the only thing that would keep him from retrieving his wife. From what Aeric told them of Lady Sunna, he gathered she was no fool. She was a cold-hearted and calculating witch that carefully planned everything for herself and her family. Her greatest mistake, however, was making Loki her enemy.

A few miles away from the Nornkeep and the caves, Thor sent scouts ahead. Aeric had been away for some time; things could have changed since he had been here last, and the Asgardians needed to make certain things were still as Aeric claimed before they engaged in battle. Until the scouts returned, there was nothing to do but wait. However, no one sat idly by. Every man present made sure their sword and axe were sharp, their bow was strung, and their shield was ready to defend the glory and honour of Asgard and retrieve their beloved Princess. 
Thor gathered the army commanders (consisting of the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, and a few others) to discuss several attack tactics. The terrain was rough, meaning the cavalry could not attack head-on, but thanks to Aeric's intelligence, they could go around the Norn forces to surprise them from the side. If Fandrall and Hogun could keep the Norn occupied long enough, Thor could attack the Marauders with Volstagg, Sif and the others. That just left Queen Karnilla's demons.

"How many men do you need?" Thor asked Loki.


"You plan to go against them on your own?" Aeric asked in surprise.

"We do have some magic wielders among the men," suggested Thor. "They can help you."

"I have all the power I need."

Loki felt his brother's eyes on him as he dismissed the offer. He clearly perceived Thor's confusion from the corner of his eyes but had no intention of explaining himself. His brother would not understand. None of them would.

"I would prefer it if you had these men with you, Loki," insisted Thor.

He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But a lightning strike from your hammer would do more harm than anything they can conjure up."

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