Chapter Eight-Minho's Feeling Some Kind Of Way

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What the actual fuck was Jisung even thinking. Letting Minho kiss him again, getting into the kiss and even leaving marks on the human neck.

After rolling over he yelled at himself for a solid 30 minutes before waiting for the sun to rise. He heard when Minho's heart finally slowed down and he fell asleep. He watched the rain fall, the storm goes on, and eventually leave. He watched the sun peak above the mountain and was immediately up. Passing off the night before as Minho being horny and going on with his day.

He exited the tent and found no one else awake, it was still wet outside the dew, and moisture was sticking to all of the plants.

"Ji your up already?" Chan asked. Jisung spun, catching Chan's worried eye and nodding.

"Storm kept me up most of the night, hope no one else struggled," he said, brushing his hand through his hair out of nervous habit.

"That sucks, we all slept well. Ready to get going as soon as everyone is up help with breakfast?" Chan asked, holding out a backpack for Jisung. Jisung took it. Pulling out warm burritos wrapped neatly in tin foil.

"Jeongin is keeping us prepared," Jisung smiled. Chan laughed, handing burritos to Changbin and Felix as they exited.

"He's pretty great"

"Good morning my new friends!" Hyunjin cheered as he exited. Seungmin groaned and shoved him out of the way.

"Don't be so happy in the mornings, mornings suck," Seungmin grumbled. Takes a burrito from Chan and thanks to him quietly. Changbin laughed from his seat with Felix on some rock.

"So Seungmin is not a morning person, anyone else wants to make their opinions on mornings known?" Jisung asked, sitting on a fallen log and opening his burrito.

"Mornings are overrated," Minho said from the tent entrance. Chan gave him a burrito and Minho set his sights on Jisung, making his way over and sitting across his lap and burying his face in the vampire's neck.

Jisung looked confused, slowly bringing an arm around Minho and his burrito to his mouth for a bite. Chan almost dropped the backpack he was holding and Changbin was frozen halfway through a bite. Jisung was just as confused but too tired to truly care. Minho was just sleepy and clingy.

"A lot of snow on the mountain has melted but it's muddy," Hyunjin said, munching away on his food and not catching the vibe around the camp.

"That's good, we should be halfway up by lunchtime, if time goes slow, which I doubt, we can head the whole way up," Seungmin continued. Confused at why Chan was still.

Jisung just pretended he was ok as Minho stayed close to him, slowly eating his burrito.

"As soon as we finish we can head out, I'll take down the tent then," Chan came out of the confusion. True to his word, taking down the tent and folding it into a backpack. Minho finished off his burrito and stood up, putting his trash into the designated backpack. Jisung's eyes bulged when he saw the visible dark marks trailing up the human's neck.

"Jisung what happened last night?" Changbin asked, throwing the vampire a look. Jisung looked around as if others could hear the words.

"Nothing serious and in all honesty, I don't know," Jisung replied before shutting off any other voice that wanted to come through.

"If anyone needs another jacket tell me, other than that let's go," Jisung heard Chan command, he balled up his trash and threw it into a backpack before following the group out.

"Phh Minho had a fun night," Jisung heard Hyunjin teasing from behind them. He spun around, seeing Hyunjin's hands being swatted away from Minho's neck. Minho flushes red and pulled his hoodie up. When the human-made eye contact with him, he quickly walked toward him. Slipping his hand into Jisung's and starting to walk. Jisung felt whiplash. Nothing made sense right now.

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