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All fairies have a different talent, their skills for the area being better and stronger. They all share similar looks of pointed ears and soft faces. All known for being pretty and soft looking. Hate being mixed up with Pixies. Have thin glimmering wings used differently for each kind. Magic is mostly unknown. Have an amulet they call their "heart" that controls their life. If it gets broken they could die, if they give it away and a proposal to be mates.

Nature fairy: Green and yellow are their aura color, like being outside and in nature obviously. Wings used to help them balance instead of flying. Can heal and make plants grow, plants listen to them and are not controlled by them. There are small subdivisions of these fairies as well, which they specialize in i.e. water, plants, wind.

Warrior fairy: Auras a red or orange color. Good at fighting, trained from when they are young to help others, and protect everyone. Wings help them be fast and agile in the fighting.

Music fairy: Aura colors are pink and purple. Inspire all forms of music around the world. When they speak it is always in a rhythm. Wings make them almost float and are used when they dance.

Animal fairy: Aura is brown. Are chill unless you mess with their animals. Most have a collection of all the animals they love and or have helped. Will kill for their animals. Are one of the few fairies where their wings can lift them all the way off the ground to fly places. They can speak to animals.


Can be born a vampire or turned. They can eat normal food but blood makes them stronger. Really fast and have super strength from the nutrients they get from drinking blood. Have mates but they are not common. Heightened senses. The more blood the more power. Eyes are red whenever they have their fangs or to smell blood nearby. Can identify their mate by the smell of their blood. They can hear thoughts but can be blocked from someone's mind if they are mentally strong enough. Can move things with their mind depending on how much blood they have drunk.

Pure breed: Vampires born from two vampires and are usually mean and vicious. Are hurt severely by silver and the alliin in garlic burns their sensitive skin. The sun also can burn their sensitive skin. Very sensitive all around.

Turned vampires: Were once humans and are a lot less ruled by their vampire instincts. Silver does not hurt them, just makes them itchy. Sensitive to garlic, makes them sneeze. Sunburn easily but the sun does not burn. Special amulets make them not as sensitive. These amulets don't work with pureblood vampires.


Werewolves are never forced to turn after the initial turn. Can shift whenever but no more the three ties in a row. It requires a lot of energy and concentration. Really good sense of smell and is very strong. Yellow eyes give them away but most have control over the eye color.

Full blood: These werewolves are born as wolves. Are heavily affected by silver. Have less control over themselves when shifted. Have an alternate consciousness as an inner wolf. Are less in control of their wolf half when in wolf form. They are very protective of their pack and identify mates by a pull and smell.

Turned: Are more in tune with their wolf because they were not born with another being inside them like purebloods. When they are turned, their soul gets a small split one becoming an inner wolf. Heightened senses and not as sensitive to silver but it can still be deadly.


Witches can be born into practice or pick it up. All start as human and don't become immortal until they unlock their core or achieve a familiar. Choose an element to focus on, after mastering that element they can learn from others as well. They can take magic from inside themselves or from things around them. For example, some bad witches will steal magic from other creatures.


God or goddess: There is a god or goddess for everything, some have died out because of lack of worship or belief. The fate goddess has control over the strings of fate and can pick and choose who will be mates and who will not. Has different forms for each culture. Wolves call her the moon goddess for example. No one really knows what she looks like or does exactly but there is a myth saying if you bring her something special to you she will grant you a wish.

Oracle: Oracles can be of any species. After the god of the future dies his spirits pass to certain people or families. The people with strings of his power can see how something in the future will happen. Some people want to cherish the oracles for their skills and others want them dead for holding so much power.


Just some helpful information before we get started

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