Chapter Two-Fates A Bitch But Minho's A Bigger One

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Lee Minho was going insane. First, a werewolf than a vampire. Then being a vampire's mate! It was unreal, when he got back to his house he cleaned his hand and then went to take a shower. From there stuff got bad. The shower was cold and he cut his leg shaving. He got shampoo in his eye then his conditioner was out. All in all, a really bad day.

The next day was worse, more bad things until he ended up here, watching from the sidewalk as a hooded figure paced outside his door.


When Jisung woke up the morning after the incident the first thing he did was drink blood. He wanted his skills as good as he could get them because he needed to find his mate and fast.

"Jisung, slow down, we will leave as soon as Changbin is dressed," Chan said, rubbing the boy's head comfortingly.

"I'm sorry, it's bad to be away from your mate after you meet, lots of bad luck," Jisung explained, jumping up when Changbin emerged from his room dressed and ready.

"Yay, let's go," Jisung cheered, grabbing his two friends and dragging them out of the house.

"Jisung, we have no plan, how are we supposed to find this guy?" Changbin asked. Jisung faltered, he hadn't thought this far.

"Look everywhere, he was walking home so he has to work somewhere nearby," Jisung commanded before taking off in a direction.


No luck. Nothing about Lee Minho except fangirls yelling about an actor. The three had stopped for a brief lunch at some diner. It was good but Jisung didn't care. He wanted to find his mate.

Being a vampire was hard, he lived forever and never really had someone. Mate's were rare but they happened so Jisung wanted to hold onto this opportunity.

"There is an apartment complex I am going to look at then I will be home," Jisung said as dawn was growing near and he could tell his friends wanted to be home.

"Ji..." Chan spoke softly, gently placing a hand on the vamp's shoulder.

"I'm fine, I just, really want to find him. I need to find him," Jisung said, shrugging the hand off and starting down the path to a large complex.

Arriving at the first apartment on the bottom floor he knocked and crossed his fingers. A few seconds later and an older lady opened the door, she smiled.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Lee Minho?" He asked, hoping the lady wouldn't find him creepy. The lady gave him a suspicious look and Jisung felt his hope plummet.

"What's your relation to Mr. Lee?" she asked her nice grandma aura fading away. Jisung panicked, he couldn't just tell someone they were mates, that was weird.

"He's my boyfriend, asked me to pick up something before his practice but I forgot the number," Jisung lied smoothly. The lady nodded, still suspicious but more at ease as Jisung continued to smile.

"Apartment number 15 bottom floor," she said before slamming the door in Jisung's face. Jisung turned around with new hope filling him. He almost had a heart attack when he saw a black cat sitting on the sidewalk.

"Fuck you scared my kitty," he whispered a hand over his weak heart. The cat meows loudly before hopping off and racing into the darkness.

With clammy hands and a heavy feel, Jisung took a few steps to apartment 15. He pulled his hood up as a cool breeze racked his body. He looked up, a big bold black 15 staring him down. He went to knock but chickened out at the last minute in favor of pacing worriedly. He was brought out of his trance by something falling to the floor behind him. Faster than light his head snapped around.

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