Chapter Four-The Hills Are Alive

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When Jisung woke up Chan and Minho were both still fast asleep but Changbin was nowhere to be seen. Making sure Chan was tucked in and that Minho was breathing Jisung headed out into the forest, following the musky scent that was Changbin.

Jisung found him quickly, in human form laying across the ground in his usual all-black clothing. He appeared to be hiding, quick as lightning Jisung jumped down next to his friend. Changbin almost screamed.

"Whatcha doing pup?" Jisung asked his friend, smiling sheepishly. Changbin glared before settling his focus back on whatever he was watching. Jisung shrugged following the gaze.

At the bottom of the hill were two fairies, unlike usual fairies in their small form were hanging out in full size.

One was a boy, his hair a soft strawberry blond with flowers blooming out of it. Jisung watched as the fairy seemed to be talking animatedly to some of the flowers. A nature fairy, plant fairy if Jisung wanted to be more specific. Upon closer inspection, Jisung could make out a splattering of freckles across his face. His eyes were bright and dark forest green. His lips were pink like flower petals. As for clothing, he wore a white shirt that was anything but fitted. The entire thing moved like water in the breeze

"You like him don't you?" Jisung asked. Changbin just shrugged, continuing to watch the flower boy talk to his plants. Jisung turned his attention to the other fault. A girl with long brown hair. She was dancing and it was oddly familiar.

"Holy fuck!" Jisung hopped up, taking off down the hill, "JAE!" he yelled catching the attention of both fairies. The girl stopped her dancing and looked at Jisung in shock.

"Hannie?" she asked. Jisung nodded, finally getting to the bottom of the hill and sweeping her into a hug.

"Holy crap it's been years!" Jisung said, pulling back and studying his old friend.

"Jisung!" A voice snapped from behind him. Jisung turned around to find Changbin standing behind him awkwardly, worriedly looking back and forth between the three people.

"This is Changbin, he's part of my coven, he's a werewolf," Jisung introduced. Changbin waved awkwardly, "and I'm Jisung. I knew Jae before I was turned," Jisung introduced himself to the boy fairy.

"I've heard a lot about you, Jae loves telling stories. I'm Felix by the way, a plant fairy," Felix introduced himself.

"Holy fuck dude your voice!" Jisung said, turning to see Changbin just as shocked

"No one suspects it. What are you doing here?" Jae asked, her laugh twinkling.

"We are camped by the forest edge, we are trying to find the goddess of fate, Sianna or something," Jisung introduced. Jae smiled happily before her composure fell and she looked at Felix worriedly.

"We have good and bad news then. May we join you at your camp?" Felix asked, smiling mischievously. Jisung stopped Changbin before he could agree.

"No, but you can follow us as we head back and we may discuss there," Jisung prompted. Felix laughed. In the corner of his eye, Jisung watched Changbin melt at the sound.

"Well aren't you smart," Jae said, gesturing for the two boys to lead the way. It was a quiet walk back. Until Jisung almost choked as a thought came through his brain.

"He's my mate," Jisung couldn't tell if Changbin sounded happy or sad. Jisung just looked at his friends with a soft smile. Of all the possible people to have a fairy as a mate Changbin got one.

They stepped into the forest, and Jisung could suddenly smell worried. Upon entering their camp Jisung saw Minho sitting in front of the still-going fire. Chan was cooking something from beside the boy. Minho looked up first and noticed the two, the worry shifting to relief.

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