Chapter Seven-An Off Switch For Feelings

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Jisung woke up first, the house silent with everyone still sleeping in their beds. He got dressed after a quick shower and headed to the kitchen. Minsee was up, surprisingly, and was making food for everyone.

"Would you get everyone up? You guys are heading out with Hyunjin soon," she asked. Jisung nodded, gulping down the cup of blood Minsee handed him before bounding up the stairs in search of everyone else.

Chan was already up and headed down the stairs dressed and ready. Jisung knocked on Changbin's door, expecting the wolf boy to be at least a little awake.

He wasn't and it took Jisung 10 minutes to get the guy awake and on his way downstairs. Before Jisung could knock on Felix's door the fairy was out and smiling brightly before disappearing down the stairs. Jisung shook his head and just smiled. His friend was odd.

Minho was last. Jisung hesitated, the memories from the night before still fresh in his mind. Every touch of lips and fingers still burns on his skin and mind. With a stern knock, Jisung was confused when he got no answer. He knocked again, this time the door flying open and Minho looking at him with crazed eyes.

A strong grip pulled Jisung into the door as the door slammed closed behind him. The vamp manages to not fall over and looks at Minho extremely confused.

"I remember kissing you. Why do I remember kissing you?" Minho asked Jisung sternly. Jisung felt himself start to break under his mate's scrutinizing gaze. This was not supposed to happen, Minho was supposed to not remember.

"Because you did," he whispered, praying Minho wouldn't hear him and forget the memory.

"What did you say?" Minho asked malice threaded in his words.

"Because you did Minho, you pulled me onto you in the hallway and kissed me. I tried to stop you, I did but it's hard not to take something you want from someone you want!" Jisung snapped his anger and regret eating him up. The look of fear on Minho's face was evident and Jisung just wanted to hold him close and cry.

"I never would have kissed you first, you must have instigated it and taken advantage of me because I was drunk," Minho accused crossing his arms. Jisung felt a rip in his chest and fell to the floor. The pain was unbearable. If Jisung looked at Minho he would see the concern in the human's eyes, but he couldn't, wanting to keep his tears hidden.

"Jisungie..." Minho said worriedly, stepping closer. Jisung held up a hand, stopping the human, the other hand clutching his chest as it continued to throb painfully.

"I need you to leave me please, Minsee is waiting with breakfast," Jisung said quietly, his tears dripping onto the floor. Minho nodded, hating himself; he ran away slamming the door and leaving Jisung on the floor in pain.

The human panicked, ignoring the possibility of Jisung being badly hurt.

Jisung took 5 minutes to regain himself, the pain in his chest still there but bearable now. With a cough he hit his chest, hoping to smack the pain out. With A heavy sigh, he stood up, wiped the fallen tears, and made his way downstairs.

Anyone who looked at him could tell he was struggling. His face was pale and his movements sluggish. The vampire felt like he was fading. He ignored the concerned look in Chan's eyes as he took his seat. He flat out ignored Minho's prying eyes, the human more than concerned.

"After eating you guys can head out. You should camp at the bottom of the mountain and then head up the next morning. Get halfway in one day then take the rest of the hike the next day. That should get you there within a day to spare. You remember the way, right Jin?" Minsee asked.

"Yep," Hyunjin said. Felix and Changbin were eating. Chan was more concerned with the draining Jisung. Minho tried his best to ignore the glares sent in his direction.

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