Chapter Five-Welcome To The Farm, Don't Eat The Animals

Start from the beginning

"Minsee where the hell are you?" Seungmin called out looking around and up. Minho didn't understand why he was looking up until a person dropped a few feet in front of him, startling the entire group.

"A little birdie told me I had guests," a girl, who they presumed to be Minsee laughed. She was tall with long brown hair tied back. She was dressed in a pair of Capri jeans and a brown tee shirt with the back missing. Strong wings were standing at attention between her shoulder blades.

"And by that you mean an actual birdie right?" Minho asked, a small smile as he watched a few birds fly around Minsee and grab her hair.

"You are correct, little human. I heard about you from my friend Alex. On your way to see Sianna?" Minho watched in awe as Minsee floated up, her wings lifting her off the ground so she could fly around the group's head.

"I thought fairies can't fly all the way? Wings too weak and all," Changbin pointed out, a finger pointing at Minsee and following her around. Minsee giggled.

"She is one of the lucky bitches that can," Seungmin said, glaring at his sister. Minsee just laughed landing next to Chan and poking his cheek.

"Aren't you cheery?" Chan said watching the fairy fly away.

"Not usually, the baby birds finally flew today. Would you like to meet the animals?" She asked, eyes sparkling.

"Please!" Minho yelled, everyone turned to look at him. Minsee smiled, dropping to the floor and grabbing Minho and Jisung.

"I already know your animals Minnie, can we go see Jinnie?" Felix asked. Seungmin looked around awkwardly.

"Who's that," Seungmin deadpanned, taking off into the forest. Felix was hopping behind him.

"This way, we shall visit the stable first," Minsee cheered.

The stables were not typical stables, a large barn with an open back, it housed two animals, a slick black Pegasus and a shimmering glowing white unicorn. Minho was astonished, these things actually existed.

"This beauty in black is Abraxnox, I have had him for a while, he hurt his wing when he was little so he can't fly too well or too far. He mostly hangs on the ground and complains about being coped up," Minsee reached out a hand and the Pegasus nuzzled into her palm. Minho stepped forward, mesmerized by the beautiful creature. He was startled by another large animal running up next to the Pegasus. Minho wanted to laugh as the Pegasus actually rolled his eyes and stalked away.

"They are beautiful.." Minho whispered, the other three not so surprised in seeing these mythical creatures.

"This is Illusione, beautiful right. Abraxnox finds him annoying but he's just a baby!" Minsee explained motioning for Minho to step up next to her. As Minho laid a hand on the Unicorn he was amazed by how soft it was.

"I have never seen a Unicorn this close, they are usually so skittish," Jisung said, stepping up next to Minho to pet the animal.

"They usually are, Illusione has grown up with me so he's not skittish to people I know," Minsee explained.

"Makes sense," Chan said quietly, still admiring the creatures from a distance. Before anyone could ask Minsee another question a dog sized reptile ran through the half barn. Leaving a trail of fire as it scurried through the barn and out the other side.

"Oh shit Hephaestus!!!" Minsee yelled chasing after the weird reptile. The four other people started trying to stomp out the small trail of fire while Minsee scooped up the animal.

"What the hell?" Changbin said, the fire finally going out under their feet.

"I'm sorry, he's so little and really can't control his fire. Silly little Phestus!!" Minsee held the animal close to her. Minho watched with wide eyes as a little dragon head popped up and looked at them. Minho cooed, the small animals being too cute.

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