Chapter Four-The Hills Are Alive

Start from the beginning

"Hey, we brought help," Jisung said, moving to help Chan with the food, leaving Changbin to introduce the guests.

"This is Jae, a music fairy and old friend of Jisung and this is Felix," Changbin said, eyes getting stuff on Felix once again. Felix just smiled at Changbin, fueling the fire burning in the wolf's heart.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Chan and the leader of our little group," Chan introduced himself waving at the two.

"Old friend of Jisung's?" Minho asked standing up and looking between the two. Jae giggled.

"We were to be married before Jisung was turned, he would still visit me though and one day I got murdered and some fairies took pity and made me a fairy," Jae explained. Minho's eyes blew wide as he looked over at Jisung. Jisung wasn't paying attention to him though, the vampire's eyes trained on Jae.

"Who are you?" Felix asked, eyes studying Minho and finding no sign of magic.

"He's Minho," Changbin said plainly. Minho rolled his eyes.

"I'm Jisung's mate," Minho explained further. Jae and Felix both looked at Jisung surprised. Jisung was just as surprised, Minho had never referred to himself as the vampire's mate.

"That's nice?" Jae said, the statement sounding more like a question.

"Well let's eat, I assume you have reason to be here?" Chan said handing out plates to everyone including the newcomers. For some reason, he had enough food like he knew to make extra.

"We have information, but it does not go without trade," Jae said, accepting a plate with a small thank you.

"Well we just gave you some food," Minh said, eating his food with a pout as Jisung sat beside Jae and left the human to be next to Chan. Jae and Felix giggled together.

"Well you gave the food before we started discussing the deal," Jae said smirk playing on her lip.

"Damn fairies," muttered Chan glaring when Jisung didn't drink his blood.

"How about a kiss in exchange for info?" Felix asked, smiling flirtatiously.

"No! Jisung already kissed a fairy yesterday," Minho snapped almost dropping his food if it wasn't for Chan catching the plate.

"I wasn't talking about Jisung. What do you say, Mr. Wolf?" Felix flirted, smiling at Changbin over the fire. Jisung snorted into his blood cup. Changbin choked on his breakfast. Chan just laughed. Jae rolled her eyes, knowing her best friend was too flirty for his good.

"I-" Changbin was at loss for words, unable to process.

"He says sure, go get your kiss Felix," Jisung agreed for his friend. With a giggle Felix hopped up and skipped around the fire, Minho was able to catch a glimpse of his shimmering wings as his sleeveless shirt moved.

Changbin honestly looked panicked as Felix got closer. Before he knew it soft lips were placed over his before disappearing just as fast.

"Sweet," Felix bit his lip while looking at Changbin through the corner of his eye. Changbin continued to short circuit before finishing his food and disappearing inside the tent.

"You broke him, you big flirt," Jae scolded Felix when he sat back down. The group just watched fondly as Felix started where Changbin disappeared too.

"He's different, I feel a pull," Felix explained. Jisung sent Chan a knowing look. A minute later and Changbin emerged as a wolf. He sat next to Chan avoiding Felix's eyes.

"Now the information," Jae said, finishing off her plate and disappearing the trash in a poof.

"Yes we need that," Jisung agreed with his own plate poofing when he was done.

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