"She's a little shy." Tony said, and chuckled as he saw my state i was in, i was never good in big groups, like this.

"As i said before you guys came in, she's a shapeshifter, i found her while i looked for the piece to the Heli-Carrier, she was a tiger." Tony said, Thor's eyes widened and i saw Loki whip his head over, that definitely got his attention. "She was extremely hurt, bloody, and skinny, so i took her in to help her." Thor nodded.

"so she isn't a mortal?" Loki asked, Tony simply shrugged at that question. "was she born on midgard or another realm?" Loki clarified more clearly.

"Midgard." Natasha said, then Loki scoffed.

"Yep, another Pathetic mortal."

"PATHETIC?! OH ILL SHOW YOU PATHETIC!" i yelled as i began to shapeshift, Tony stopped me before i can fully Shapeshift and i casted him a confused look.

"None of that here, Loki is always grumpy and hates people, so get used to it." Me and Loki shared angry glares and i sat back down.

"Ill show you to your guest room." Natasha stood up and reached her hand out, i shyly took it and we went up the stairs.

She showed me a guest room which i expected to be like a normal hotel like room, but it was amazing, something i didn't deserve as only a guest. There was a big queen sized bed, a huge wardrobe, my own bathroom, My very own TV! and a nightstand next to my bed with a lamp on it which is the only source of light. i smiled and turned to the red head.

"Thank you, but i don't deserve this, i'm only a guest." i said, she waved it off.

"Nonsense, now go get cleaned up and go to Bruce to change your bandage, also there is extra clothes in the wardrobe for you." i nodded and walked in as she closes the door behind me. i go to the wardrobe and it was nothing fancy, but good enough to get me out of this gross dirty clothes i already had on.

i grab plain green shirt, bra, underwear, heans, and socks, and head to the bathroom, it was amazing, a glass shower and a full tub! it already had some towers perched for me, i was amazed to say the least.

i put my clothes on the toilet and start to undress, i cringe at my wound and take off the bandage slowly, i grimaced at the blood and the bandage sticking to the wound, i turn on the shower and i love when it's burning hot, i'm not to sure why. i get in and wash my hair, rinsing it throughly, i wash my body and be careful at my scars, and make sure i get all the extra blood and dirt off.

i turn the water off and get out, i get in my clothes and look in the sink drawers and find a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste, thank god, so i get that out and brush my teeth, they must have been suffering with my tiger breath.

Once i finished, i get out and look around my room, well, guest room.

There are some books on the nightstand next to the bed, nothing to special, i feel the slick sheets and begging under me, and i'm in love, i haven't felt something this good in forever.

i should probably go see Bruce for my Bandage, i leave my room and is met with Thor in the hallway.

"Lady Samara" he said cheerfully, my eyes widened a fraction, but not to noticeable, wouldn't want to upset him with him thinking i'm scared of him. which i am.

"How do you feel?" he asked, i shrugged.

"Good i guess, that room is amazing." i smiled, Thor chuckled softly, he may look like a big scary thunderer muscular guy, but really he's a big teddy bear. i have nothing to worry about.

"That's nice, it's very welcoming and nice here, if you need anything i'm right down the hall, me and Loki share a room so don't be shocked if i'm not there and Loki is, he hates everyone so don't take anything he says personally" he said, i nodded a thanks and went downstairs and to the elevator to go to Bruce's lab.

THE BEAUTIFUL SHAPESHIFTER🐯 L. Laufeyson X OC Where stories live. Discover now