Chapter 43

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"Oh, that is so not fair!" Sage practically yelled as she watched Fred land on Free Parking for the tenth time that game, taking his rightful $500 once the silver shoe was placed on the square.

Fred chuckled devilishly as he used the money to transform his houses into hotels. "Why's that, Sage? You mad that this is the first time I've ever played this game and I'm beating you? You wish you hadn't been so cocky in the beginning?".

Sage pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. She was folding her arms over herself because she was upset, but it was also because she was cold - but she didn't want to admit that. Sure, they were seated on the fur rug in front of the burning fireplace, but it was hard to stay warm when she was seated in only her bra and a tiny pair of lace panties. Trying to look pretty for Fred resulted in hypothermia, apparently. She didn't know how Fred wasn't shivering himself, clad in only his boxers and one sock.

"Here you go," Fred said and handed her the dice. "Good luck," he said cockily, referring to the six hotels that she was about to pass over.

Sage huffed and rolled the dice, praying to Merlin that she would land on the railroad, one of the only properties that she'd managed to purchase. If she landed on one of his squares she'd lose the game, and that meant losing another article of clothing - and being only one piece of fabric away from losing their entire game. It wasn't that she would mind giving him a blowjob - trust her, she most definitely wouldn't - but it was a pride thing. She just knew that he'd hold it over her head for much too long and she didn't feel like dealing with it. She'd also get eaten out if she managed to win, but that was just a bonus. A big bonus, considering how particularly gifted Fred was at the action.

The dice landed, showing a five and a three, and Fred immediately burst out into patronizing laughter. He took the liberty to move her little car for her, setting it right behind the big, fat, red hotel that rested on the space.

"That'll be 1200 dollars please," he said and held out his hand. "Or, wait?" he put on a faux concerned expression. "Do you not have that much?".

Fred was the absolute worst person to play Monopoly with, Sage decided. "Shove off, Fred," she said and picked up her money to see if she could scrounge up enough to pay.

"Hold on, before you give up, I have a proposition. Instead of $1200, I will gladly take your bra as payment." The look on his face made her want to smother it with a pillow. Or something else, for that matter, if she could just win the game.

She sighed and looked down between her money and Fred, contemplating his offer. She could either take his offer and try to somehow pull off winning the rest of the game (which was highly unlikely), or she could give up, lose her bra anyway, and hope that they could agree on another two games that she could win.

"Nah," she decided and threw her money onto the board. "I give up." She flopped onto her back and closed her eyes, letting the hard floor soothe her spine after sitting in such an uncomfortable position for so long.

"Ahem," Fred cleared his throat. She tilted her head to look up at him, seeing that he had a hand outstretched impatiently. "I think you're forgetting something."

Sage rolled her eyes but sat up anyway, reaching behind her to unclasp the hook on her bra. She made an overly dramatic show of slowly taking it off, then quickly threw it at Fred's face once it was removed.

He sputtered once he realized that it had hit him, his reaction time to both the throw and the impact of the bra delayed because of how hard he'd been staring at her bare chest.

"Hey!" he said with a frown once he fully realized what had hit him. He opened his mouth to most likely curse at her, but it soon closed when he looked down at the bra, a look of intrigue soon taking over his face.

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