Chapter 8

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I would put a warning, but you guys knew what you were getting into when you clicked on the story

Sage knocked on the door, book in hand, and planned to quickly drop it off without having to interact with anyone other than George. She had been having too many confusing and contradicting feelings about Fred lately, and she did not need to confuse herself any more than she already had.

The door opened after a moment and just to her luck, revealed Fred - clad in nothing but a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. It seemed that all guys somehow looked amazing in those specific pants, but Fred somehow made it ten times hotter. They hung low on his hips, revealing his prominent v-line that rested below his faint abs, the dark red pattern contrasting beautifully against his skin. It didn't help that his hair was still a bit wet from the shower that she guessed he had taken, his bright red hair muted to a deeper auburn color and looking to be messily towel-dried and almost fluffy.

"Well, hello, Sage," he said cockily, watching her look at him.

She brought her eyes up to his, reluctantly breaking her eye contact with his bare upper body. "Is George here?".

Fred shook his head. "No, he's at Luna's. Probably won't be back anytime tonight." He said it with a bit of a smirk, almost as if he was implying something. Sage didn't want to think about whatever hidden meaning he was implying. She knew, just didn't want to think about it.

"I accidentally grabbed these," she said and handed him the book.

He took it from her hand, purposefully brushing their fingers together as he did. "I'll make sure he gets them."

She nodded, both flustered from Fred's state and also angry at how he could make her that way. And how he obviously knew it. "Also tell him to owl me, I finished the paper but I was looking over the directions and it seems that we forgot to do a piece of the assignment."

Fred nodded and she turned around to walk away, hoping that she could just push away whatever mixed feelings she had about the very shirtless and very aggravating boy and sleep it off that night.

"You sure you don't want to come in? I mean, I do have an empty room," Fred said with his signature smirk.

Sage was practically fuming as she turned around to face him. He had gotten on her last nerve, and he needed to quit his little act. "No, Fred, I do not want to come in."

Fred looked all too amused at her obvious annoyance with him. "You sure, Sage? Wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good opportunity."

She had had it. She lunged towards him, jabbing a finger into the middle of his chest as she backed him into his room. "You have got to quit it," she hissed out.

"Quit what?" Fred asked with an obnoxiously innocent smile.

She shut the door behind her, not wanting anyone who was in the common room a few doors down to hear them. She closed in on him even more, their chests almost touching with how close they got. "You know exactly what, Fred. I've had it. I'm not going to deal with this anymore."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said, still playing the innocent act.


He rolled his eyes, an amused look in his eyes and a smirk gracing his lips. He was enjoying this all too much. "If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, then you're saying that it's been working."

She was silent for a moment, not really sure how to respond. "No, that's- that's not-"

His Cheshire cat grin took over even more of his face as she stuttered at his accusation. "Oh, Sage, I think it has been. I think you're frustrated. Very frustrated." He didn't need to actually say the words to imply that it was sexual frustration. Whether that was true or not, she hated the accusation.

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