C H A P T E R - T W O

Start from the beginning

"What are you on about? I am real, this is just a dream. You're the godly-looking one that is in my dream." she retaliated. 

"Liar!" I roared, slamming my fist into the wall next her, splinters from the wood flying everywhere. Too busy clouded in my own anger and pain, I hadn't notice her reach for the iron bust sitting on the mantel next to the fireplace, nor did I see it coming when she promptly hit me over the head with it. As everything began to go black, my vision with flooded with a familiar purple smoke. 

~ ~  ~ ~

With a jolt, I snapped awake, my eyes quickly scanning my surroundings. I grabbed a book from my side table, checking the cover to make sure I could read it, verifying that I wasn't still trapped in the dream. Satisfied, I threw the book back onto the table and scanned the room. It appeared that I had been brought back to my room after being knocked out by the trickster warlocks. I couldn't dwell on it for too long, fearing that I might rage shift in anger after being cruelly tricked into believing I had met my mate. Clearing my mind, I summoned my beta, Taren, to the room through the pack-linked.

A few moments later, he knocked on the door, and I quickly yanked it open, ushering him in, eager to get a full rundown on what I had missed while I was unconscious.

"You're awake - finally! I was worried there for a moment, Alpha," he teased, patting me on the back as he walked further into the room.

"How long was I out for?" I asked, shutting the door behind him.

"5-6 hours," he replied, and I let out a low growl at the information. "Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. And you'll be happy to know that yours truly managed to capture one of those warlocks. I even saved the questioning until you woke up. Am I the best Beta or what?" He stood with his arms folded across his chest, wearing a smug look on his face. I simply rolled my eyes and made my way to the door, eager to question this warlock and find out exactly how they had fabricated that dream to feel so real, to make me believe I had actually met my mate. The thought of my mate had my chest aching, even though she wasn't real.

Storming down the corridors with my beta hot on my tail, I took the stairs down to the foyer two at a time before pausing on the steps. An image flashed before me as I stared at the spot where my mate had once stood. My wolf whined for his mate, but she wasn't real, I growled at him.

"Everything alright?" Taren asked.

"Fine," I grumbled before continuing my descent down the stairs. We took the next left down the corridor towards the furthest door, which was being guarded by two of our pack warriors. They bowed their heads towards me as I approached them, opening the doors for me to enter. Inside, the corridor was dimly lit, and the temperature was already dropping as we made our way towards the cells.

"I trust our guest is having a pleasant stay," Taren sneered as we rounded the corner. The warlock was sitting upright on the floor, his arms hanging on either side of his head, chained to the wall. The slight glisten of the enchanted handcuffs indicated that he had been restrained to prevent him from using magic.

I nodded to the guard on watch to open the door to the cell. The guard bowed to me before turning around to the cell door, inserting the key into the keyhole. The hinges screeched as the door opened, causing the warlock to snap his head in our direction.

"Alpha, I trust you had a good nap?" he greeted in a mocking tone.

"What was the reason for the attack?" I demanded, not giving in to his ridiculous jokes. Warlocks were known for their mind games and tricks.

"Should I take that as a no? I thought you people were supposed to be all butterflies and rainbows after meeting your mate?" he taunted.

"What is he talking about?" Taren interjected before I could respond.

"I gave your Alpha a gift. He got to meet his mate in his dreams," the warlock said with a smug grin.

"She wasn't real!" I roared, my wolf surging to the forefront of my mind. "Whatever you conjured up wasn't my mate, it doesn't work that way."

"Oh, but it was," the warlock replied, his grin widening. In a flash, I had my hand wrapped tightly around his throat, pinning his body against the wall with his feet dangling off the ground. He gasped for breath, clawing at my hand, but I didn't loosen my grip. I was seething with anger and frustration.

"It's not possible!" I snarled, my eyes blazing with fury.

"What benefit would you people have by uniting the Alpha and his mate, the Luna of this pack?" Taren interjected, his voice laced with curiosity. "You'll only be making our pack stronger."

"Put me down...and I'll explain," the warlock managed to choke out in-between breaths, as he desperately tried to pry my fingers from his throat. Reluctantly, I released my grip, watching as he fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. He croaked for water, but I ignored his request.

"No. Now tell us why you claim that was my mate," I demanded, my voice low and dangerous. "I suggest you talk now, before we have to find other ways to make you talk." The warlock pulled himself up, sitting against the wall with a defiant look in his eyes. He moved his neck from side to side, the sickening clicks only fueling my impatience.

"Enough," I growled, my patience wearing thin. I stalked towards the warlock, my wolf snarling within me, the urge to tear him apart almost overwhelming. I could see the fear flickering in his eyes, but he remained stubbornly silent.

"I'll make you talk one way or another," I threatened, my voice dripping with menace. The warlock's bravado seemed to falter, and he swallowed hard.

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