Thirteen: It's all coming at me...

Start from the beginning

Kagami had been akumatized due to Adrien's dishonesty towards her, and after being de-akumatized she had broken up with him. Marinette had broken up with Luka because she couldn't tell him the truth, the truth about her secret identity. Luka was a sweet guy, he was super understanding, he told her he'd always be there for her, and he didn't mind if she was still in love with Adrien. The two ended up on good terms but were miserable after the breakup, with Marinette breaking down about never being able to have a boyfriend due to her role as guardian.

This breakdown led to her friends concerns, but after pushing her group of friends away, they had gotten akumatized and were determined to figure out her secret. After de-akumatizing them, Marinette broke down in front of Alya and spilled the secret about her secret identity. Alya was understanding and told Marinette she'd be there for her and she wasn't alone anymore.

Chat had still visited Marinette over those eventful few weeks, but their interactions remained friendly. Chat had a girlfriend in his civilian form and Marinette was dating Luka, so he didn't try to flirt with her. Chat's visits were shorter though as he'd tell Marinette he was busy, but overall their hangouts were pretty friendly and nothing more.

Which leads to here, the present.


Marinette had been staring at her phone slightly confused at the message her best friend Alya had sent her. It was lunch time so she had around an hour off, but Alya's text confused her and she wasn't sure whether to be excited or afraid.

Alya: Girl, you need to head to the art room once lunch starts, there's something important there for you and you don't want to miss it! -Alya

Marinette: Should I be scared?

Alya: Nope! I think you'll like it, well hopefully, now go! ;)

Marinette sighed to herself and only hoped that what Alya was telling her about wasn't going to be anything crazy. But knowing Alya, if something she was planning wasn't crazy, then it wasn't a plan Alya had made. This caused Marinette to internally groan as she nervously made her way towards the art room. The halls were quiet with the majority of the students being in the cafeteria and she inched her way closer to the painted door. The art room looked empty and sounded quiet, it was opened half way so she grabbed the door knob and gently opened it up more before walking inside.

She took a few steps in, the door shutting behind her until she saw a blonde teenage boy standing at the other end of the room, his back turned, and his head seemed to be looking down. 

"Uh, excuse me?" Marinette asked hesitantly, silently praying that it wasn't who she thought it was.

The boy turned around wearing a nervous smile as he looked at Marinette, his cheeks slightly turned pink, and confusion written on his face. "Oh hey Marinette, what are you doing here?" Adrien asked, his green eyes curiously looking back at her blue ones.

"Oh I-I'm not sure actually," Marinette said looking down at her phone, "Alya told me to come here and I'm not sure why, maybe it was just a prank," she muttered looking around the room for any possible 'surprise' Alya claimed was there.

"Really? Nino texted me to come here too, maybe we're being pranked," Adrien said, a slight frown on his face but a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Marinette laughed, "I better go and check on Alya then," she said and turned around. She reached for the door knob and turned it, but nothing happened. She turned it again and nothing happened, the door didn't seem to budge. She let out a deep breath, telling herself not to freak out and tried the knob again but it wouldn't open.

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