With Beowulf, my punches and kicks are much more powerful. So as I fell, I entered re-entry speed for a brief moment before delivering a punch to it's guts. Brutalizing it in half.

I stood up from my crouching position and the sperated body of Orion disintegrated, forming a glowing orb or concentrated Demonic Energy.

The orb flew to me and I absorbed it. I felt my Power grow stronger a and all my fatigue are gone.

Vergil: Hm, I suppose that's good enough.

And with that, I turned around to return to Sasha's Mamono Orphanage.

3rd Pov, Demon Realm.

Inside a large castle, a gathering of multiple species of Mamono can be seen all tightly squeezed in a supposedly spacious Ballroom.

Lilith: Everyone! Calm down and let's all talk this out in a civilized manner.

They all went silent, allowing the Demon Lord to release a sigh of relief.

Lilith: Now then, let us hear your concerns one by one.

A High Orc raised her hand.

High Orc: Your highness, there are these weird creatures that have ruined one of our Hunting trips. The Village we planned to raid is already burned by them before we arrived and they don't even take the men, they only kill!

Many gasps were heard and many frowned upon such a news.

A Succubus interjected.

Succubus: How come they couldn't be turned into one of us?

Murmurs between the Mamono started and Lilith sighed.

Lilith: That's because they can just absorb our Demonic Energy without the effects of turning them into Mamono. That's why I have sealed them after I ruled.

A Wight then raised her hand.

Aight: Then how come they have escaped? If you sealed them, your power should've been more than enough to keep them imprisoned forever.

Lilith: That is want I thought too, but days earlier when this sudden burst of Power washed over the land. I am sure you all felt that right?

All of the Mamono agreed.

Lilith: Hel told me that at the very exact moment, a crack has appeared on the seal, sooner enough. It broke and they are released upon this world.

A Hellhound growled.

Hellhound: Then what do you suggest we do with these things?! Let them ruin our lives?!

Lilith: No, if one tries to inflict any sort of harm. I want you all to fight them, kill them. For they won't hesitate to kill you.

The grave and serious tone of her tone didn't leave any argument for the Mamono.

Lilith: The meeting is adjourned, everyone will return to their families and keep and eye out for these creatures. If they try to attack, attack them back.

The Mamono then exited the room and dispersed. Lilith however, entered to another room where there are multiple Crystal balls.

Lilith: Everyone, are you all here?

One of the Crystal Balls glowed, and a Sea Bishop appeared. The one next to it glowed, and a Dragon Appeared, next is Pharaoh, and lastly a Queen Slime.

Lilith: How is everyone holding?

Dragon: With our island being surrounded by waters. There is no need of concern, however. These flying ones are annoying.

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