Chapter LV

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The two lovers sat under a grand oak tree as the treetops blocked out the sunlight. A twilight shadow filled the forest as the animals retreated to their homes for the day. The day was beginning to run into late afternoon and the liveliness of the woods was starting to fade away.

(Y/n) sat back against the broad trunk of the tree as she snaked her fingers around her lover's gloved hand. Only the rustling of the wind and the rhythmic pattern of their breathing could be heard.

Sooner or later someone will come here and find us together, I can feel it.. she thought to herself.

(Y/n) didn't quite know what the outcome would be if an average randomer came and found them together. Possibly, nothing.

However, if the king found them together, it was guaranteed death. There was no way around it, no way to avoid it or lead the problem astray.

The only thing that awoke (Y/n) from her deep thoughts was the grip on her hand get stronger for a split second before returning to a loose one.

Slowly, she leaned forwards and looked at Meta Knight, before relaxing once again. She was sure it was just a harmless joke and thought nothing of it.

The beat of (Y/n)'s heart went rather quickly for half a minute as it fluttered. Just being besides him was enough to drive her insane.

Her heart almost dropped in her chest when she heard footsteps in the nearby distance. Who had come to find them? Was it a friend? Or a foe?

Placing her hands over her own mouth, (Y/n) breathed slowly and quietly to ensure she wouldn't be found.

Meta Knight also picked up on the rather short figure in the distance, who was coming closer. It wasn't one of the battleship's maids, as it was too short. It wasn't the princess either, as they had their hair in a pony tail and not pigtails.

"Meta Knight? (Y/n)? Are you out here?" She called desperately.

The swordsman stood upright and went towards the figure that loomed around. (Y/n) knew to trust him, so she followed closely behind. If he didn't draw Galaxia, then that meant that he recognised them.

"Tiff? What are you doing out here so late? Shouldn't you be in the castle?" He asked her, to which she scoffed in response to.

"I could say the same for you! However, I'm not here for fun: I was spying on the king and he's trying to get someone to do something to you!" She explained, heavily implying that it could be murder he was trying to attempt.

"..What exactly was it he was trying to do.?" The masked warrior asked once again.

For a minute, the Cappy child stalled as she tried to remember what it was precisely that Dedede had said.

"I-I can't remember! It wasn't anything harmful..but forceful, I know it was forceful." Tiff frantically told him, her voice getting louder and louder.

(Y/n) and Meta Knight exchanged knowing looks before turning back to the infiltrator. "Well, we appreciate the help. Thanks..uh.."

"Tiff." She smiled, introducing herself.

"I know, I just forgot your name, that's all.." (Y/n) murmured."We should be heading home..but where is home?"

"That's a good question.. where is our home? Will we still live on the Halberd or in the castle? Or, will we leave Popstar since the Princess is now here?" Saffron asked Perstephone.

"Yeah..we should really ask. Maybe we could start some trouble.." she smirked, rubbing her hands together sinisterly.

"Pfft, stereotypical." Saffron scoffed.

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