Chapter XXIX- Under her wing

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She frantically ran inside to warn them. "Captain! Captain! The Lor Starcutter is heading up upon the horizon and is heading for us, cannons loaded and ready to reduce the Halberd to scraps!" She cried, talking so fast that nobody could understand.

They didn't need to understand when a cannonball headed towards the deck of the ship.

The ship fell until Meta Knight took control again. "Damn it!" She shouted, running to find her sisters and the other maids.

(Y/n) was watching Saffron and Alice build a card house. Alice had just placed the ace of diamonds on the top and finished the house until Faye bursted in. In surprise, Saffron accidentally jumped and knocked it over. "Aww, that took ages.." she whined.
"The Lor Starcutter is attacking! Get to the safe room or something!!" She shouted, ushering them into a safer room.

Mollie went another way. She looked to be heading on the deck which made them all confused. Then again, she was a witch so who knew what she was capable of.

Cannons were shot in retaliation and the Lor got damaged. Magolor wasn't going to give up so soon, though. Repetitively firing cannons, he was confident that he would take down the Halberd. He would've been right until Mollie stood her ground of the deck. Armed with only a tennis racket, she confidently positioned herself as if she were playing a game of tennis.

Magolor fired a cannonball at her and she hit it back at him.

The Lor Starcutter couldn't take any more damage and Magolor retreated. Many of the members on board the Halberd stared in shock at Mollie. She seemed pretty chill having just hit a cannonball away without a second thought.

"I did say I would train one of you maids to be a witch too. And, I have made my decision." She started,"I have chosen (Y/n). She is a natural witch, I can feel it."

(Y/n) cheered in excitement; she would be able to practice spells and do magic. It was something she would never be able to turn down.

Mollie lead (Y/n) to a restricted room on the ship. "I keep a spellbook in here to be safe.."

From the shadows, she produced a rather thin book. Unlike the other book, it looked modern and slim. "This is for novice mages, witches, wizards and spellcasters. Once you've started to memorize them, we can move onto more challenging things." She smiled, handing the book to (Y/n).

(Y/n) took up the book in both of hands and opened it to a random page. The spells on the page were how to set fire to things and how to disintegrate something. "Ah, fire takes your fancy? Each spellcaster usually takes an element and rolls with it. If you are advanced enough, you could wield two or three elements. I personally use fire and electricity, meaning I'm good with those forms of spells." She chimed in.
"Well, it would be good to have fire at my disposal I guess." (Y/n) smiled, trying not to displease Mollie.

Her mentor could read her expression,"No, go for whatever element you want to! Just because I am fire doesn't mean you do or don't have to copy me." She reassured.

Getting up, Mollie turned to leave. (Y/n) was busy reading the book, trying to make up her mind. Maybe she could master more than one? She wasn't too sure, hence why she couldn't make up her mind. All the elements in the book sounded useful, in combat and not in combat. It would just take time.

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