Chapter XV - His monster

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The room glowed with electricity, the air thick with it. All of the maids could only steal a glance and see what was going on. Eventually, it died down and they could see clearly. A monster stepped off the platform as Dedede looked to Customer Service for answers. From what he could see, it was a human just like the maids.

"This is Glïtçh. Glïtçh- çhãn. She goes by both names, so don't bother trying to debate which is her actual name. What does she do? Well, you can love her as if you would love the maids, she can make for a replacement. Yes, she can clean and cook and everything else a woman can do."

"Ugh, rude. House chores aren't only women's work.." Mollie grunted, discontented by his sexist statement.

The girl looked to be no older than 19. Her figure was that you would see in a magazine, perfect and flawless. The same went for her skin, it was silky smooth and rather pale. One of her eyes was a gorgeous gold and the other was a halfway between a teal and cyber blue. From the first glance, it looked as if she wore the same uniform as them. Practically, it was the same, except the logo wasn't an M on the left sleeve, it was a rabbit on the back. Put it simply, she wore Dedede's logo instead of Meta Knight's.

The amused king laughed hysterically as he admired the girl's body. "This will be my maid, it'll show him that I'm better with the ladies than he is."

The girls all exchanged an unamused glance,"He really doesn't understand it, does he? The reason he's so likeable is because he's polite, knows what chivalry is and doesn't break any comfort boundaries." Mollie scoffed, looking at the poor 'monster' Dedede had ordered.

Shooing her away, Dedede ushered her to go clean up ' as women do'. Throwing her mop to the floor, (Y/n) felt enraged that this obese penguin had the nerve to badmouth women like that. Before she left the room entirely, she looked back at him and gave a sinister grin, not that he noticed it.

Glïtçh approached the maids and stopped dead it her tracks. "Other women? I haven't seen them in about millions of years!" She gawked.
They gave eachother anxious smiles and questioned her. "Well, I've not really come from Earth and I'm not exactly human but I cope. I'm a failed experiment from NME. My only goal is buyer.." she whimpered.
"Not exactly human? Please your buyer? Expand on that, if you will." Mollie urged her to continue.
"Well, I'm made made out of human DNA. I was meant to be superhuman but ended up up up up glitching out out." She explained, repeating a few words several times.
"Oh are as your name suggests.." Ebony gasped.
The teal haired girl sighed as she continued elaborating,"I'm like a glitchy computer as a human, I repeat things things and sometimes freeze up."

Dedede shouted through for her and she came to his side.

Wasn't this human trafficking of some sort? It was definitely wrong, undoubtedly. She may not be exactly human but she still had rights. They wouldn't allow her to be discomforted by that doofus.

"HEY! DEDEDICK! GET OFF OF HER!" Veronica yelled, standing in the doorway with her arms folded, meaning business.
"Yeah, don't even think about touching her you creep!" Alice joined in, leaning against the doorframe.
"They're correct, you have no right to do anything as such to her without her consent." A familiar masked puffball chimed in, to their surprise and delight.
"Oh oh oh, a star warri warrior? Hi! Hi!" She glitched, giving him a smile.

The Knight stood before the King, commanding he freed her. Oblivious to the situation, she perched herself on Dedede's lap and grinned widely, amused by what was going on.

"Ay, can it metal face!" Dedede frowned, rubbing Glïtçh's upper back, earning a content little purring noise,"She is my maid and I'll do whatever I want with her."

Naively, she wrapped her arms around the king and he did the same with her. "See? She likes it." Dedede replied, looking somewhat pleased.
"Well, yes. That is only a cuddle, if you do any nasty things with her, we will find out and punish you." Meta Knight threatened.
A few maids chimed in with a little "Mhm!"

Later that night...

(Y/n) felt herself collapse on her bed, what a day! After pleading endlessly, she had hardly convinced Glïtçh that Dedede was mildly perverse and would only end up hurting her, but she didn't listen. Did she want that? Or, was she manipulated into liking that? Oh dear God, how awful that second option sounded...

Removing the thought from her mind, she fell backwards onto the comforting pillows. "It won't make sense yet, (Y/n). I have impure intentions that will lead to a good outcome without your intervention, so stay aside and leave me to it. Do not fear for me, (Y/n), for if he hurts me I will show him a far greater agony that he has more than likely never seen. There's no wrath like a woman's scorn." A voice reassured.

She could've sworn it had came from the hallway, yet no one was outside her room. Sighing, she closed her eyes and tried her best to rest.

Halfway through the night, there was an argument that woke her up. Getting up off of the silken sheets, she trailed off down the hall to see where it had came from. An incredibly annoyed Ebony stood, hissing insults at the monarch as he denied her accusations.
"You perverse little cunt!" She insulted, pointing her finger at him.

Looking taken aback, he glanced over at (Y/n) for help. "What even went on?" She intervened, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
Both of them had a contrasting tale in comparison to the others. According to Ebony, he was doing something a bit...intimate with himself whereas he was apparently doing nothing, according to him.

Out of thin air, Glïtçh appeared and backed Dedede up. "I was with him, we were asleep in the same bed but doing nothing. I would've heard it if he was doing something thing."

(Y/n) remembered what she had heard Glïtçh say, about not intervening. "Alright, it's two versus one, so obviously he wasn't actually doing anything. I'm pretty sure I would've heard it if he had." (Y/n) chimed in, defending Dedede also.

Ebony scowled and returned to her room, knowing full and well what she had seen that night.

Returning to her own room, (Y/n) fell back asleep in almost seconds, when she heard Glïtçh again. "Thank you, (Y/n). I trust you, I really do. I will keep my end of the bargain if you continue to be so trusting. Don't worry about me, I know exactly what I am doing here, I'm a professional."

The question was, what exactly was she doing?

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