Chapter XXX- Witch!

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(Y/n) was still hyped up about being mentored by Mollie. She would learn spells and brew potions, it was all so overwhelming!

Even though she was a novice witch, that didn't set aside the fact she had a long list of chores, beckoning her to get back to work.

(Y/n) was sure that Meta Knight wouldn't be too happy if he found out she were slacking off. That reminded her, the two of them were officially together. It was weird because, despite being a couple, they did very little together. Neither addressed the other endearingly or took the other on a date. As a matter of fact, she hardly even saw him on a daily basis. Maybe they both valued their independency and didn't want to become to reliant on their other half?

She wasn't too sure, maybe it would just take time. After all, they had a massive task at hand. That task being...

(Y/n) didn't really know what exactly they were doing just cruising around in the sky. Actually, none of the maids had a foggy idea of what they were doing. It wasn't like Meta Knight to waste fuel which meant they were clearly doing something.

Just, nobody had been told yet.

"Looks like someone is pondering on the job. How cute." Faye teased playfully, pointing to (Y/n).

Captain Vul and Captain Waddle Dee were also by her side. They were giving her a tour around the ship, showing her around.

(Y/n) took little notice and continued cleaning the dishes. She knew that Faye was quite light-hearted and didn't mean it in a bad way.

The next few minutes were completely fine, just (Y/n) doing the dishes while humming a soft melody to herself. Then, the ship started falling without warning. Had Magolor came back for revenge so soon?

No, no damage was done to the exterior of the ship, meaning it was an internal problem.

With the total mass of the ship, (Y/n) knew they were falling fast. Only a few of them had wings so that meant that a couple of them would die from the impact.

"(Y/n), I need your help! This can prove you aren't a novice witch if you do this." Mollie shouted over to her, the wind whistling in her ears.

(Y/n) tried shouting back but she couldn't hear her own voice over the sound of the wind. To signal that she was in on it, she nodded.

Mollie took that as a nod of confirmation and explained as best as she could,"Okay, this will sound stupid but close your eyes, it'll help you focus better. Then, imagine the Halberd in this current situation and then imagine it being completely fine, y'know just flying normally."

(Y/n) tried her best to hear to mentor. The wind stung her eyes, so she closed them. Slowly, she raised her arms and the vessel slowed with them. Then, it began to ascend upwards before ceasing to move overall.

All of the crew rushed out to the main deck and saw (Y/n) deeply concentrating. "Don't disturb her or this whole thing will fall. I should have enough time to just.." Mollie trailed off.
"Finished. The ship is fully repaired so (Y/n) can stop now."

(Y/n) opened her eyes and noticed that they were stable again. When she looked at Mollie, she gave a nod of appreciation. "You did that so thanks." She graciously thanked, saying it on behalf of everyone.

Mollie noticed their captain looking a bit shocked at what had just happened. "Yeah, (Y/n) did that, Sir Meta Knight." She scoffed.

Nervously, (Y/n) looked to the sky. She didn't honestly know how he would react to her being a witch now.

"Well, if no one's gonna say anything then imma pipe up. (Y/n), that was epic! You saved us all and you had no idea what the flip you were even doing!" Freya squeaked, sounding very excited.
Other maids chimed in with similar statements and remarks. (Y/n) felt her cheeks burn with colour as she blushed with pride. "I didn't do that much.."

"You only saved Sir Meta Knight a hell of a load of cash and made it so most of us didn't die." Ebony smirked. "Halberds are expensive to build, you know that right?"
"Mhm, he's had to rebuild it, like, 3 times already. That's not even mentioning all of the repairs that have had to be done to each of them.." Angelica said, joining in the conversation suddenly.

Softly tucking her hair behind her ear, she smiled and gave a light giggle.
"Halberds in the ocean are not a good thing for the environment.." Saffron mumbled, shaking her head.
That comment just made the maids laugh.

Meta Knight did feel a little bit embarrassed about what the maids were discussing. It was true, many times he had crashed the Halberd into a vast body of water. All courtesy of Kirby.

"Well, that's that. Better get back to cleaning." Veronica sighed, leaving the conversation.
"Me too.." Alice murmured, sounding unhappy.
"Gimme a piggyback ride you seagull!" Saffron squealed, jumping on Faye's back.
"You still nickname me 'seagull'. If you are not careful I will eat your ice cream next time you are at the beach." Faye threatened.

"Piggyback race!" Perstephone and Ebony yelled in unison, as Ebony hopped onto Perstephone's back.

The two pairs ran down the hallway for no reason besides entertainment.

(Y/n), Mollie, Angelica, Meta Knight and all the Knights watched. Both of the witches couldn't help but laugh.
"Well, you do recruit some weirdos, don't you Metty?" (Y/n) playfully chirped.
"Yep, I certainly do...apparently.." He chuckled, seeing Ebony fall off of Perstephone's shoulders.

"Timber!!" Ebony screamed as she fell.

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