𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒

Start from the beginning

She rolled her eyes as she watched him fluff a pillow on the couch where she would rest her back after she sat down.

"That was really unnecessary" she said as she sat down.

"Only the best for my queen" he responded.

"How cute" Zee gushed behind the two of them.

"I'll keep the bags upstairs. Just call me if you need anything" Wayne told his fiancée and planted a kiss on her forehead before carrying her bags upstairs.

"He cares" Zee spoke up as she sat down beside her best friend. "And you're giving him a hard time"

"I know" Alaina groaned. "And I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't had proper sleep in the last 72 hours and it's getting to me"

"Well my lil sugar muffins are asleep so I'll just take them upstairs and then maybe you can get some rest, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks" she said, giving Zee a weak smile.

"Don't mention it"


"That feels so nice" Alaina said as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Wayne giving her a well-needed foot rub later that night.

He just nodded as he focused more on the task at hand. He wanted to do everything possible to make sure she didn't have to do anything by herself or stress herself anymore.

"You hungry? You want to something to eat?" He asked her as he rubbed her feet.


"I could make you something right after this if you want" he offered.

"You don't have to do that" she told him.

"I want to" he said. "I want to take care of you. But you not letting me"

"I know, I know" she started, sitting up. "It's just that I don't wanna feel like I'm disabled or something"

"And you won't. I just want you to not overwork yourself. You just had a baby and you need to rest"

"Aww. Look at you being all caring" she cooed. "I love you. A lot"

"I love you too" he responded, leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips.

This was the first time he was kissing her since the night she had gone into labour and it felt different.

It was different.

It was slower and a little bit more gentle than usual. And then when he reached out and tucked her hair behind her hair, she fell in love with him all over again.

One thing she had come to realize was that Wayne was like an onion. He had a whole lotta layers and somehow she had managed to peel her way through every single one of them and had gotten to the very core. Though there were a few tears here and there, she figured it was worth it.

"Mac and cheese or spaghetti?" He asked when he pulled away.

"You decide" she replied, smiling at him.


"Rockabye baby on the treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock" Alaina, half asleep, sang to her crying child as she looked down at the little infant in the bassinet.

Wayne was deep asleep, snoring even, and she felt so jealous of him at the moment. Baby Zen was alseep too.

It was just her and Mari.

She was starting to think he was the evil twin.

"What is it that you want from me?" She asked the unknowing baby, already tired of all of it.

"I've fed you. I've changed you. I fricking sang. What else could you possibly want from me?" she groaned. "Why did I get pregnant?".

She placed her head on the edge of the bassinet, already about to give up, when she heard the giggles coming from the baby.

"Oh so that's what you like? You like my despair?" She asked him and he giggled even more.

"Well that's something you and your father have in common" she muttered, scooping up the baby to rock him to sleep.


"Baby" Wayne whispered in Alaina's ear, trying to wake her up.

He had woken up to use the bathroom and had seen that she had fallen asleep on a little chair in the room and knowing that would do nothing but give her terrible neck pains, he decided to wake her up and take her to bed.

"Hmm?" She hummed, moving around a bit.

"Baby" he said again.

"Hmm? The baby. The baby"  Alaina mumbled as she shot up, her eyes darting around for her son.

"He's fine. Perfectly fine. He's asleep" he told her, pointing at the sleeping child in the bassinet.

"I thought he would never go to sleep" she sighed.

"Well now he's asleep. And you need to get some proper sleep. Come to bed with me"

"No" she shook her head. "I want to be awake in case he starts crying again"

"No. What you need to go is get some rest" he insisted.

"But what if-"

"Then I'll stay up then. Just please, go to sleep" he pleaded.

He didn't like what he was seeing and by the looks of it, if she kept this up for another week or two, she was going to become a shadow of herself.

"You sure?"

"Yes" he answered.

"Okay then"


y'all I'm sorry for the hiatus....finals been crazyyyy as helllllll

but I'm back now...and I got a question.

Who would like a GQ couple's quiz????? because I would love for them to do that.

anyways don't forget to vote and comment

not edited.

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