𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑

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"Okay Miss Davis, h-"

"Actually it's Mrs Moore" Wayne corrected the gynaecologist, Dr. Townes and she raised an eyebrow at him.

They had gone to the hospital for their first doctor's appointment and Alaina was really excited to see the baby for the first time.

"But it says Miss Davis right here on the file" she pointed out.

"Whatchu gon' believe? A piece of paper or me?" He asked her and she looked at Alaina for confirmation.

"Whatever he said" Alaina told her, not wanting to get involved in their little situation.

"Okay. Mrs Moore" she paused to look at Wayne and he smiled at her. "How are you feeling today?"

"I feel good. I been getting really tired easily lately and I also have this lil back ache but it's all good" she answered.

"That ain't because of the baby" Wayne muttered so only Alaina could hear and she chuckled slightly.

He didn't mean to brag but since they had called off the probation thing, he had been laying down some really good pipe and she knew that was true.

"So this is the end of your first trimester and you're here for a sonogram, am I correct?" She asked and Alaina nodded.

"Are you a first time parent?"


"So you must be excited for this huh?"

"I really am" she answered truthfully, a smile on her face.

"I can already tell" Dr Townes smiled back at her. "Now I need you to lay back on the couch and kindly lift up your shirt"

"Excuse you?" Wayne asked. Maybe he didn't hear correctly because it sounded like the doctor wanted his wife to lift up her shirt.

"Oh no I mean for the ultrasound" she explained and he nodded.

"Oh okay. Yeah she can do that"

Alaina laid back on the bed and lifted up her shirt, stopping right below her chest.

"Now I am going to put the gel on your stomach. It might feel a little cold" the doctor told her as she wore disposable gloves.

Alaina winced at the feeling of the cold gel when it touched her skin and Wayne was quick to worry.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" she answered.

"You sure?"

"Yeah" she assured him and he nodded, relaxing again.

"Now it's too early to determine the gender yet but you can see the growing fetus right there on the screen" the doctor said and Alaina smiled. It looked so small on that black and white screen.

"Ion see nun'. Where is it?" Wayne asked and the doctor's smile became tight.

"There sir" she told him, pointing at the TV.


"Right there" she answered through gritted teeth.

"Ion see nun' doc. Where you say it is?"

Wayne inwardly laughed at the annoyed look on Doctor Townes' face. He could see it but he just wanted to annoy her.

"Baby it's right there" Alaina said and he nodded.

"Oh I see it now. It's so small" he pretended like he was just seeing it for the first time.

"That's probably because this is the first trimester. It's supposed to be small" she told him sarcastically and he cut his eyes at her.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat Mrs Moore?" She asked Alaina.

"I can do that?"

"Of course. Just a second now. Alright listen closely".

Everybody was silent, waiting to hear the heartbeat but there was nothing.

"Ion hear anythin-"

"Sshhh" the doctor shushed her. "Just listen"

Then she heard it. It was a kind of soft thumping coming from the machine and it sounded really fragile.

"You hear that baby? You hear it?" She asked Wayne and he smiled at her.

"I hear it" he said, holding her hands.

"That's our lil baby" she told him, tears springing up in her eyes.

She wanted to just stay in the moment forever.


"Ion think the doctor like me very much" Wayne told her when they got in the car.

"Boy you was working on that damn lady's last nerve. Why she gon' like you?" Alaina chuckled.

"You mean she was working on mine keeping us waiting in that damn room for twenty minutes" he corrected and she shook her head.

"I think we gon' have a boy" she said and he gave her a look.

"And by boy you mean girl right?"

"Unless you want him to gay or sum' then yeah. I mean did you hear that heartbeat? I could just tell immediately that it was gonna be a boy"

"Iono whatchu talmbout. It's gon' be a girl" he argued.









"Ha! I win" Alaina laughed and Wayne mugged her.

"Well played" he said. "And not that I agree but if we did have a boy, his name would be Roddy jr"

"Boy you already a junior" Alaina reminded him and he smacked his lips.

"So? Okay. Roddy jr the second"

"You tried it. But no" she refused.

"Come on that is the perfect name for any child of mine"

"No it's not"

"So whatchu wanna name him? Tate?"

"Very funny" she deadpanned. "I'll have you know that Tate is a perfectly good name for a kid"

"But not mine" he added.

"He's my kid too" she pointed out.

"So why you wanna name him Tate then? What the kid ever do to you?"

"Boy fuck you" she chuckled.

"You gon' have to wait till we get home then" he told her, a smirk on his face. "But you hungry or sum' baby? We could stop at Chick-fil-A to get you sum'"

"Funny that you asked because I was act-"

"I was talking to my daughter" he cut her off.

"You mean OUR SON" she corrected.

"Unless you want her to be a dyke or sum'" he mocked what she had said earlier and she rolled her eyes.

"Just stop at Chick-fil-A for some food"


Another update y'all.

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not edited.

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