"Maybe it's because you didn't want to slip up in front of your br-" he paused with a sudden realisation and I turned to face him inquisitively.

"In front of?" I pressed and he pursed his lips with conflicted eyes.

I watched with furrowed brows as he abruptly propped himself up with his elbow, peering down at me with serious eyes. I frowned in worry and confusion, "What?" I asked

"Diana..." he breathed out and I urged for him to continue. His eyes dimmed from their normal shine and he shook his head slightly, "Never mind." He shook off with an empty laugh.

I raised a brow, "No, no, tell me." I insisted as I propped myself up with my elbows, urging him.

A few days ago, Taehyung did the same thing and when he was going to say something, he hesitated and never elaborated, leaving me wondering what it was about.

"You know, when we get out here, we should meet up with our dogs!" He smiled, "I have a small Pomeranian, a lil' fluff ball at home. It would be nice if he had another friend." He pointed and I smiled, though slightly confused, "It would be nice, Tae, but I don't have a pet of my own, you know? Though, I hope to have one. Maybe then, they could go on a little date." I giggled.

However, my grin faltered when his eyes grew sad despite the small smile he returned. He seemed conflicted as he adjusted himself on his spot to properly face me; he seemed to want to say something but he never spoke up. I raised a brow, "What?" I asked and he pursed his lips.

"It's nothing." He chuckled softly, "Lets set up my pup and.. your future pup with the best date." He continued.

I smiled at that, "You bet it will be! Also what's your pup's name?" I asked and he chuffed a small grin, easing up, "Yeontan." He answered. "And y- uh, what... will be your's?" He winced slightly as he asked.

I didn't put much thought into that and pondered over my future dog's name, "I don't know. It'll probably depend on what breed I get. If it's.. suppose a German Shepard, I'd name it Coco! Don't ask why. It just seemed to suit 'em." I giggled before pausing, "It wouldn't matter if it's a girl or a boy, right? Coco could suit any type, honestly." I nodded.

He nodded and swallowed thickly, which finally urged me to confront his clear squabble with himself. "Hey, you can tell me if something's bothering you." I conveyed and he nodded, "Of course; I know that." He agreed.

"You seem conflicted, though." I pointed with a worried frown and he shook his head dismissively, "Nah, you're seeing things." He smiled. I breathed through my nose and gave in, "If you say so."

He just brushed it off. I let him, too. I didn't want to push and pry too much but I still felt a little concerned when he left with the same expression kookie displayed right now.

They both know something and I don't want to be left in the dark. Both times - it occurred to me that this happened after they touched a subject regarding my life in the real world.

Not that there's much to say to begin with, but it still seemed to be the reason they've suddenly disregarded the topic in favour of talking about something else. Almost as if they avoid it but at times, slip up.

Jungkook's face held a small frown as he pondered over just going for it and not beating around the bush. He thought hard over what he could possibly say regarding this before he heaved out a sigh.

I waited expectantly as he opened his mouth to say, but words didn't come out. I deflated slightly and decided that maybe, I was being too persistent. Maybe this had something to do with him, and not my own life.

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