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The next day, we rode on our horses as Malcolm and his group started to take a look inside the tunnel part of the plant. But then a explosion happened, starting our horses and us. Malcolm and two of his friends were trapped down there as some of the apes removed the debris as they climbed out and treated their wounds with the help of Ellie and Alexander "Thank you. You saved our lives. We've got a lot of debris to clear now. We might need a bit more time." He said, the baby soon jumped out of Blues eyes's arms and fell while Blue eyes went to get his brother then the baby started to climb on Ellie, looking curiously at her then started explore Alexander too as they laughed together. The moment made me smile a toothy one as I laugh a little then they started to get back to treating Carter's wound while I suddenly heard Venom.

Nina, he's hiding a gun inside the tool case.

I know but Venom I'm starting to get a little scared but I'll try to be strong.

Trust in yourself and the people around you.


I slowly went up to the case as I feel the baby looking over my shoulder in curiosity okay here goes nothing. I slowly removed the cover that showed a little bit of the gun that he hid then I heard shouting "Hey! Hey!" Carter said while he moved over "Hey! Get out of there!" He said as he was about to hit me but Blue eyes pushed him down. Before anything else could happen, I took the gun out of the case and threw it in the water then I picked up my medallion that dropped when Carter almost hit me and l felt everyone's gaze on me "That's enough, no more killing and no more violence. There's already enough bloodshed in this world. We don't need anymore." I said as I ran away and ignored everyone calling me I didn't like fights or violence and I meant when Carter almost hit me and hid a gun. I run but no too far just on the hill where the trees are. I felt like that I needed to calm down by looking at the view and focus on my breathing as I inhale and exhale a couple times then I finally calm down. I hear birds chirping and two falcons flew down on my shoulders, rubbing their faces against my cheeks meaning they sense  my discomfort like it's their way of telling me "It's okay. It's alright. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be okay. There's nothing to be afraid of." Beauty quickly came up to me, frantically neighing then calming down as he puts his head and nudges me I smiled and stand up "Come on, Beauty. I'm ready, boy. Let's go home." I said while getting on him and riding back to the tree house with the falcons following me behind as Beauty galloped with amazing speed like the flash and stopped at the entrance of the tree house.

I knew that Cornelia is sick and I pray that she's going to get better then I felt my powers react and sang this line of the song How to save a life from the Fray "Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life." I sang as a spark ball of light started to appear right in front of me and float that to the treehouse and land on Cornelia?!

 Venom, does that ball have healing light inside of it that's singing my voice from the line that I sang from How to save a life by the fray.

Apparently, yes but we have to get a closer look.

How are we going to do that? Any ideas?

I looked around until I see a tree right near us and soon an idea as I smirked.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?



We both thought as venom started to cover my arms and hands with his substance so that he can help me climb the tree in order to get a better view of what's going on with Cornelia. I start to climb while used my hands like claws to pull me up as I use my whole body to climb all the way to the top man I feel like I'm Mulan right now, climbing all the way to the top. Step by step, I finally made it to the top and took out some binoculars that I took with me when I came with Caesar to help Malcolm with the tunnels of the plant. I look through them and saw that the ball was going inside Cornelia and working its magic and heal her from her sickness but it was also singing what I sang from how to save a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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