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The next day, I started to wake up before anyone else and decided to go fishing alone because I didn't want to wake everyone else up, as I started walking to the river I then started to use my magic to a spear "Wood magic:spear" and to catch some fish and put them in a basket. I then heard and saw Blue Eyes and Ash playing together but then they started to notice me as our eyes met but I just smiled and hold up peace sign then went back to fishing, I was finally done and went back to the sanctuary but as I started to leave I didn't notice that Blue Eyes and Ash were still staring at me,Blue Eyes recognized me as I was the one who saved and healed him. I ran into them again only this time Carter was pointing a gun,I was startled then I put down my basket of fish and spear and ran in front of Blue Eyes and Ash "No, don't hurt them!" But it was too late he started to fire but before the bullet can hit anyone, my silver medallion started to glow a beautiful pure white light and created a barrier to protect us from getting hurt, the bullet missed but not when it hit the lower part on my left arm when my elbow is. Don't worry the wound isn't that deep just a flesh wound even though it was bleeding it wasn't serious, then Blue Eyes started to get in front of me and Ash and hoe, shielding and protecting us from Carter. Ash started to hoe at me worryingly as I got down on knees exhausted and overwhelmed from the pain I felt in my arm and from the noise of the gunshot "Don't worry I'm okay, just overwhelmed from the noise of the gunshot." I heard Carter shouting for the others "Help! Hey! Over here!" Malcolm and the others come with their guns pointing at us "I shot her! I shot her." Then the other apes came surrounding them then Caesar came to the top of a rock calming down the crowd,my eyes were fixed on him as I started to slowly move to the front where Blue eyes is standing, "We don't mean any harm!" said Malcolm "There apes, man. You think they understand what you're saying?" said Carter. "Do they look like just apes to you?" asked Malcolm "No and they're not...just apes... they're living beings with their own emotions and also what you're looking aren't just apes but human beings. Also yes they do understand you so I watch what you're saying because their leader is ticked off right now." I said and all the apes eyes were then on me. "How about you keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself." said Carter "Says the guy who....shot me in the arm while...I was protecting the leader's son and his friend." I said while panting from still being overwhelmed. Malcolm and the others grew shocked that I was standing up for the ape colony and myself as well then every hear a dog bark looked in the direction to see Isis and Max "Max!Isis!" Isis started to come up to worried and Max started to growl and bark at Malcolm and his group, Malcolm then made a move and "It's alright. put your guns down." Everyone then started to drop down their guns and put their hands up "GO!" then they started to become shocked then as the apes started to yell telling them to go, Malcolm and the others started to run away from here in panic. Max then started calm and went to me and Isis's side and licked my face whining worryingly "I'm okay Max." I said as I pet him to reassure him the I was okay "Come on boys, let's go." I started to get up with a hand on my arm where the wound is and started to walk away but I stopped when I felt a hand on shoulder I looked to see Caesar looking at me then signed "Thank you for saving my son and his friend." I blinked in surprise then smiled warmly then "You're welcome I did what I had to do to save a life." He then grew shocked and so did the other apes "You know sign?" asked Caesar "Yes my mother taught me how to sign. She was always a good person." Caesar then also recognized me from the hunt incident and then signed "Are there others?" "Yes in a sanctuary not to far from here." Koba then stared at me with hatred "I know you have strong hatred for humans that's why you think they are all evil but you don't really know that for sure, there are also good people like me. My mother and father taught me that there is also kindness in the world and to never give up on life. Maybe one day a very special someone will take all that hatred away and embrace it with warmth. Oh and one more thing never judge someone by their actions or thoughts and feelings and how they look we have to get to know one another before we judge." Koba and Caesar then looked at me shocked after giving that speech "How do you know that?" Koba signed then I looked at him smiling "When my biological Dad left my family when I was 3 years old, my mother then raised she could have chosen to abandon me or left me but no she raised me instead for 14 years to be a good person I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for her and she also taught me that lesson." But I had almost forgotten about the wound on my arm and then I started to get down on knees again, grunt and panting in pain Caesar and Blue eyes started to notice then grew worried "I have to get back home. Dad, Shadow and Ember could be worried about me." I said "We will come with you" Caesar signed I blinked in surprise "Okay, Max take us home boy." And so we started the journey back home with Caesar and the apes behind us, Isis grabbed the spear that holds the basket of fish from earlier l could still walk that's good. I didn't know what was going to happen next but what I did know that a whole new quest was ahead of us to complete.

 I didn't know what was going to happen next but what I did know that a whole new quest was ahead of us to complete

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I'm inside Dawn of the planet of the apes?!🌸💙🐬🧿Where stories live. Discover now