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The next day, we were told to come with them to their home but I felt my heart hurt like it told me to try to go with them. And so here we are now, when we arrived at the ape home they looked at us but I stood my ground and kept walking. They weren't angry or anything like they knew that I stood and accepted for who they are, even my family were accepted. I sat down at the edge of a rock while at the sky "🎶A couple years have passed since I last saw her and everyday passes like the wind. I still remember the last holiday, she was always healthy. And when I came to visit, she would greet us. Even though she was always sick. She made sure to welcome us as she would spend her last moments on this Earth. Until the day has come, when she had passed away, every memory I have of her and everyone else will be dear to me as I keep living.🎶" I sang a song that I wrote myself it was about my grandmother when she passed away 2 years ago, my thoughts were interrupted when I felt something on my shoulder. I looked up and Caesar's baby he played with my hair while looking at me with curiosity, he then went down and touched my bandage "I got that by saving your brother and his friend." I said in a low voice as he also looked at my tattoo "My mentor Kuro put that on me and told me to always follow my heart." I said, the baby soon got tired and snuggled on my lap while I smiled.

What I didn't know was a couple of the apes were staring at me including Blue Eyes and Caesar but I didn't mind I wanted to show them that I am a good person anyway. Max laid next to me while Isis went up to Caesar and Blue Eyes oh looks like he's taking a liking to them. Soon Malcolm arrived, I knew that he could be trusted but there was something about him that he didn't have in the movie but the one thing that kept bothering was that he kept looking on the right.....he was looking at me. I felt a shiver down my spine and my heart started to squeeze again only to feel more uncomfortable.

My thoughts were interrupted when Max put his down on my lap "Look I just want to talk. I know you said don't come back but-" He was interrupted when one of the apes slammed him down while the apes didn't believe him but I covered up my ears as the noise started to overwhelm me just like back in the forest. Without even thinking, I started to get up to go to a place where there was less noise while holding the baby close to my chest but I was so lost in thought that I only realized that I was outside of the ape colony's home and no one noticed......oh man I'm really gonna be in so much trouble okay calm down. I took in deep breaths to calm myself down as I sat down by a tree while looking at the view then at my medallion that I got during Halloween last year. My thoughts were interrupted when I started to dose off into a dreamless sleep.


I woken up by a hand on my arm as my eyes open to Ember "Nina, you're going to catch a cold. Come on we have to go to the dam." He said taking the baby from my arms as I slowly got up "I'll catch up later after I take the baby back to Cornelia." He said "Okay, be careful." I said climbing on the Beauty and rode with the others.


We finally made it to the dam as Malcolm explained about the power coming from the generators while I one the other hand, zoned out until something flashed a blue color that caught my eye. It was one of the wires inside one of the generators that had a hole in it huh what's going on in there. I have to take a look but I can't attract any unwanted attention and plus the intense atmosphere is getting too much for me oh well I've been through worse, anyway I slowly treaded to the back and on the other side of the generators and quickly looked inside to see that one the wires broke in half. Without thinking, I put them together then without warning electricity and lighting came out of my hands and soon everything including the generators and lights were all fixed and activated and wow just wow looks like I have more surprises in store huh hey wait a minute what's that sound? I looked behind me only a black ooze that looks like a symbiote from the movie "Venom"?! It jump on my arm and before I knew it the symbiote bonded with me, my head started to hurt while I collapsed on my knees panting from the pain. Pretty soon, it started to go away I try to calm down then I hear his voice inside my head.

I'm inside Dawn of the planet of the apes?!🌸💙🐬🧿Where stories live. Discover now