twenty-two | electric love

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I woke before Charlie and his face was buried into my shoulder. He woke up a couple minutes after, I had my hand on his head just playing with his hair a little.

I kissed him on the cheek, "Good morning." I said. He looked at me, "Good morning to you too." He said. I smiled and he got up. I laid in his bed for a couple minutes.

He put a t-shirt of his on the bed and I was just gonna wear the jeans I wore yesterday. The t-shirt was an AC-DC one. He was wearing a plaid shirt, a undershirt and jeans, I got dressed.

"You look good in my clothes." He said. I picked up my bag, "Thank you." I replied. He hugged me and we went out to the bus stop. While we were sitting down I held his hand.

The bus pulled up and we got on. I rested my head on his shoulder. As we pulled up to the school we got our stuff and walked out. We got our breakfast then sat down.

Like always varsity was looking at us, "Fucking stalkers I tell you that one." I said. "They probably have shrines of you Willow under their beds." Guy replied.

"Most likely." Dean said. "Scooter can't take a hint either." I responded. "Man that dudes obsessed." Charlie said. "Same with Linda." I replied.

"Yeah! We caught her sniffing me yesterday on the bus." Charlie replied. "Dude what?" Fulton asked. "Yeah so we came up with a plan to show them to leave us alone." I said.

We told them our plan then the bell rang, I threw my trash away and picked up my bag. We went to our lockers and I put my bag away and grabbed my first class stuff.

Charlie walked over to me and we walked to class. I sat down and he did to, we watched a movie so it was basically a free class. Me and Charlie just held hands and talked.

The bell rung so I got up and went to my locker. After I got my stuff Charlie walked with me to class. We sat down in our seats and the class was boring as always.

Finally time for lunch. I went into the cafeteria and got my lunch. I sat down in my seat as always. Charlie sat next to me and a few varsity players walked over.

"Hey girls." One of them said. "What did I tell you yesterday?" I asked. "You said get the hell away from my friends or I will chop off your dick." Another said.

"And what's your name?" I ask. "Nick." He replied. "Well Nick how about we create a nickname so no dick Nick is good?" I said. "Oh shut it bitch." Another said.

"Ooo bitch how creative see I would've gone for a more creative nickname but whatever floats your boat I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. They walked away and everyone just laughed.

Charlie glared at the varsity table, "Hey chill out Charlie your girl can talk shit." Dean said. "You gotta teach me how to do that!" Averman replied.

I continued eating my food as the table was talking about the dance. "So everyone here has a date?" Julie asked. I was drinking my soup, everyone looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Do you have a date?" Luis said. "Yeah Charlie." I replied. "Dang we all have dates." Connie said. "I guess so." Charlie replied.

I finished my drink and threw away my trash. The bell rung and I went to my locker. I grabbed my stuff then Charlie joined me to the walk to class.

We finished up the classes then went to study hall. I sat at a table then a few others joined me, Charlie pulled out carrots so I stole a couple. "We can share you know that right?" He asked.

I nodded my head pulling out a bag of chips I bought at lunch but didn't eat. "Man you have to shares those with me!" He said. I smiled and put it between us.

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