eleven | heartbreak

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I woke up for school got dressed and when to the lunch room to eat break fast. The ducks and varsity were sitting there and I just sat at an empty table and ate my food.

While I was drinking my orange juice, Daniel came up to me. I swallowed my orange juice, "Hey." He says. "Daniel right?" I ask. He nods his head. "So what's up?" I say. "Well I was wondering would you wanna go on a date?" He asks.

Charlie was looking at me, "Yeah sure but let's talk a bit more do you wanna walk to class together?" I ask. "Sure." He says. I pick up my empty tray and throw it away. Varsity and The Ducks look at me as I walk out.

"So tell me something about you." I ask him. "Well I'm 6'2, I can drive, I'm 16 years old, I do karate, and I like watching hockey." He says. "Well I'm 5'6, decently strong, 15 years old, I play hockey for varsity and I'm from Phoenix Arizona." I reply.

He walked me to my class and the bell rang signaling that you need to walk to your classes. "Well I'll see you at lunch." He says. "See ya." I say walking into the class. I sat in my seat which was by Charlie's.

He tried talking to me but I focused on my practice quiz. Once I finished I put it on her desk and sat back down, Charlie grabbed my hand and I moved his hand of mine.

I got up and asked if I could use the restroom, I walked out and went to the restroom. Charlie walked towards me as soon as I walked out of the restroom. "We need to talk." He says. "Leave me alone Charlie." I reply. Riley walked out of the restroom as soon as Charlie followed me.

Riley pushed Charlie into the wall and I walked back into class. The bell rang so I went to my locker and got out my stuff for my next class, Daniel walked up by me and opened his locker.

"Oh hey." I say. "Hey never knew we were locker neighbors." He says. I laughed and we had the same class so we walked in together, Ben and Charlie looked at me pissed. I sat in front of Charlie where my seat was.

I ignored him and class started, once that class we done I went to my locker and grabbed my lunch then put my binder away. I walked into the lunch room and waited for Daniel, he walked in and we walked over to his table.

"Guys this is Willow." He says.  "Aren't you a hockey player?" A boy asks. "Uh yeah." I say sitting down. "Why don't you go sit by your goons." The boy says. "Cut it out Rafael." Daniel says.

"I'm not like them just so you know." I tell them. "This is the karate table we could kick your butt." A girl says. "I shove people into boards 2x my size." I reply.

Riley walked over to me and grabbed my arm, "Sorry masters order." I say to Daniel. He laughs and I walk to the Varsity table. Charlie walked over, "I need to borrow Willow for a second." He says.

I stood up and he dragged me over to the ducks table. "So what's up with the karate boy over there." Goldberg asks. "For your information that's the boy I saved from that one goon." I say walking away.

One of the cheerleads grabbed my arm, "I'll pay you 20 bucks if you get me a date with Josh." Josh is a boy on my hockey team. A bunch of the girls kept saying stuff and I walked away, "Jeez." I say sitting back down at the table.

Once the bell rang I threw my food away and went to my locker quickly. A bunch of people crowded around me asking questions about the fight. I made it to class and people still asked me questions.

"How'd you punch him even after he beat the crap out of you?" "You are badass for telling him to hit you." I heard questions like that for the entire class period. I even caught someone sniffing me, I turned around. They sat back in there seat and the teacher yelled, "Leave ms.Jones alone!" I sighed of relief and the
class went silent.

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