five | back stabbers

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I woke up the next morning from there alarm, "Morning Willow." Scooter says. I stood up and stretched, I walked out of there room to go get my jersey which they left remaining with my hockey stuff.

My wet clothes were on the floor next to me bed, I grabbed my stuff for the game and went back to Scooter and Riley's dorm. I got dressed in there bathroom and we went to the rink, I saw Charlie in the crowd.

He waved to me and I noticed Linda and Benjamin next to him, I lifted up my face covering thingy and rolled my eyes. "You need to stop rolling your eyes they'll eventually get stuck." Riley said.

A few others all sat down next to Charlie like nothing happened. I got pissed so why not take it out on the other team. We started the game and I shoved a couple guys on the ground, I eventually got the puck and was zooming down the ice.

I scored and everyone cheered. We continued and I scored again and again. I faced off against the biggest player there, he looked down and I tell you this dude was so tall.

He got the puck and I charged at him but he literally flipped me over him. "Ooo" the crowd groans. I laid there a minute but Adam helped me up, I continued skating towards the big dude.

Adam stole the puck from him and passed it to me, I skated down the ice and there entire team was practically going after me. I got the to the goal and scored, the big dude stopped and while I was cheering knocked me on the ground.

The ref pulled me away as soon as I stood up, we continued playing but I was on the bench this time. Charlie was directly across from me, I looked up at him and slugged some water. I changed in with one of the players and the big guy got off the bench too.

Man he's only going after me, so I'll just have to prove that I'm not an easy target. We got the puck and big guy charged after me, I then thought of the words my dad told me when I was younger.

"No matter the size of your strong enough you can take on anyone." I took those words in and as soon as I was expecting the big guy to trick me I knocked him on he ground.

I did it! I stood there until another player came crashing into me. The crowd groaned and I got up and got the puck, again there team was after me and I went around there goal and passed it to Rick who then scored.

He gave me a high five and we continued playing. Charlie cheered every-time I scored and so did the others, I knew something was going on but I don't know what. We ended up winning 9-0 and we went back to the locker room.

When we walked in everything was frozen, our jackets and everything. I looked above the door and it said "Varsity sucks ice!" In shaving foam. Cole picked up his jacket which fell into pieces. I stormed out of the locker room and caught up with the others.

"What you did isn't cool." I say. They all turned around, "Okay try us!" Russ says. Varsity team walked behind me, Riley and Cole stood directly by my side. "Try us." I say.

"I was your guys friend but guess what, you destroyed my dads hat, all my clothes, my bedding everything!" I yell. Charlie, Fulton and Russ walks up to us.

"Try me babe." Charlie says putting his hand on my chin. I grabbed his arm and twisted it, "don't touch me Conway were not dating anymore since you decided to cheat." I say to him. I let go and he shook his arm.

"I didn't cheat!" He yells. "So going on a date while I'm a relationship isn't cheating?" I ask. "Face it's guys she's one of us now she doesn't need you losers anymore." Riley says. "I don't need any of you." I say to him. The ducks laugh and I gave them the death stare.

I walked away and they all followed me. "What is she your new leader now!?" Russ calls out. We all turn around, "Sure if that's what you call someone who will kick your big mouth ass." Riley says. We walked back inside and I went back in my dorm, there was a dryer here so I walked downstairs and used it.

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