six | pay back

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I woke up again from Julies alarm which caused me to push me and Charlie off the bed. He landed on me and I groaned in pain. "I already hate Sundays enough." I say. Charlie got off me and helped me up.

Scooter was still passed out so we decided to fuck around with him, we put shaving cream in his hand and Julie tickled him. He smacked the shaving cream on his face and woke up.

We all laughed and he washed his face off. "You hungry?" Charlie asks me. "Yeah." I say. He bent down a bit and I jumped on his back. We went down to the cafe and got breakfast.

I begged him to go back up to the dorm and when i opened the door Julie and Scooter were making out on my bed. "Oh come on not my bed!" I yell. "Get off my bed!" I say passing Charlie my food and dragging the 2 off my bed.

"Jeez only I'm allowed to make out on my bed."
I say. Charlie laughed so I punched him in the arm, he rubbed his arm and we ate breakfast. I finished my food and Charlie finished his, there was a knock on the door so I got up and answered it.

"Charlie what are you doing in here!" Russ yells shoving me out of the way. He looked at Julie and Scooter, "Why are you both with varsity players?" Russ grabbed Charlie and Julies arm and dragged them out of the room.

He slammed the door, I looked at scooter who was just as confused as I was. "We didn't do anything." Scooter says. We sat there until there was another knock, Scooter got up and opened the door.

Rick walked in and said "I have a plan to get back at JV." We all looked at each other then the rest of varsity came in. Rick told us the plan and I wasn't so hot about it. "No Riley I won't do it!" I say.

"Come on!" They all say besides Banks and Scooter. "500 bucks and 5 boxes of pasta and I'll do it." I say jokingly. "Deal." Riley says. I looked at him shocked alright free money and pasta out I could warn JV right?

*Monday day*
It was lunch time and I was getting my food, varsity was walking over to the ducks. I put my food down and walked over to them. "Hey congrats on the Blake game!" Riley says. "Yeah right we tied." Charlie says.

"Hey a points a point we're all warriors now you guys proved your guts, you all set for dinner Friday?" Riley asks. "Dinner?" Russ asks. "It's an Eden Hall tradition varsity gotta treat the varsity to dinner so round up your posse and meet us at six at the Minnesota Club downtown. Anybody need a ride we can take you. I mean you guys do you like steak and seafood right?" Riley says.

"Yeah we do." Charlie replies. "Look I don't like you likes but this is a tradition at Eden Hall I learned to care about tradition." Cole says walking away. "It's cool!" Adam says. Everyone starts walking out of the lunch room.

I turn around to look at the table that had my food on it, "Come on I didn't get to eat!" I say running back to my table. I grabbed the food and walked back over there, everyone looked at me, "What I'm hungry?" I say walking out of the lunch room.

*Skip to Friday night*
Riley gave me a ride and we showed up at the Minnesota Club, I was wearing a nice black dress and a lot of the team was already there. I sat next to Dwayne. "Waiter I have to many forks I only need one I don't y'all I whats this little itty bitty one for." Dwayne started laughing.

"Dwayne that's for like caviar." I say. "What's that?" I laughed and patted his head. Riley started tapping his glass and standing up, "On behalf of the Eden Hall warrior state champion hockey team I'd like to welcome the new state champs the Eden hall freshman here here."

Everyone said "Here,Here." And tapped each other glasses. Dwayne tried to tap mine, I move it away because I was drinking out of it. After everyone was done I said "Here,Here." Everyone looked at me and it just went silent.

"Was I little bit late or?" I ask. Everyone laughs and I just looked at them confused. "We're just glad you loaned us Jones and Banksy so we'd have a chance to beat you guys in the annual freshman showdown." Cole patted Banks back and Riley wink at me.

I faked smile, "Now nobody move we've got on last surprise, fellas and lady." I sat still not wanting to get up so did Banks, the varsity player next to me grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked at Charlie and mouthed I'm sorry. He looked at me confused and we walked out.

Riley drove me home and I looked out the window the entire time, "Hey the deserved it." Riley says to me. "There gonna hate me even more then they do already." I reply. "You'll be fine." We made it back to the dorms and I went into my dorm and went to bed.

I woke up from something crawling on me so I looked down and saw ants, I opened my door still scratching and I heard screaming come from the varsity dorm hall way. I ran over there and saw everyone itching.

"You think your funny huh!? Your just white trash " Riley was yelling. "Uh who you calling white trash?" Russ asked. "Yeah we'll take you anytime anywhere." Charlie says. "Tomorrow dawn." Riley replies. "We got to get to the showers!" All the boys were yelling I walked down the hallway and shoved past the others.

"Willow we're sorry but your apart of their team." Luis says. "Oh save it." I say. I heard Cole screaming so I walked towards his voice. "I'm gonna kill you guys!" Cole was yelling. He was crawling on the ground so I picked him up, "Oops." I say dropping him.

"Sorry he's kind of an ass." I say itching. The team laughs and I run to the showers. No one else was in the girls showers so I quickly took a shower and went to the nearest bench I could find since the fire ants were still in my bed.

I closed my eyes and I felt someone sit next to me, I opened my eyes and it was Russ. "Hey Willow." He says. I scoffed, "Here to trash talk me again?" I ask. "No I'm here to apologize." He says.

I look at him confused, "I'm sorry for everything that's happened since you joined varsity." He says. "It seem likes everyone's gonna be pissed at me tomorrow since I've been taking my anger out on ice." I say laughing a bit.

"Friends?" Russ says sticking his hand out, "Friends." I reply shaking his hand. Charlie walked up to me, "Do you have anywhere to sleep?" Charlie asks.

"I guess this bench for now." I say laughing a bit. Russ got up and walked away, Charlie sat down. "Does it itch that bad?" He asks as I try to itch my back. I look at him.

"Stupid question." He says. I laugh and he scratches my back. I laid my head on his legs, "I'm truly sorry about tonight is was everyone's idea to put it in your room also." "It's fine I get it." I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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