twelve | the past

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I woke up the next morning and Julie says to me, "You know what you should do?" I sat up, "What?" "You should show Charlie what he's missing." She replies. "Good idea." I got up and walked over to my dresser.

Julie walked over also and pulled out a dark blue plaid skirt, and a light blue top. "And a black sweater." She says grabbing my black sweater.

I got changed and we walked out of the dorm together, I ran into Varsity and Riley was staring at me. We walked down to the cafeteria and the ducks looked at me, I ate my breakfast and we went to my locker.

"Hey Willow." Daniel says. "Hey." I say closing my locker. "You look amazing." He says. "Thanks." I reply walking to my next class. I sat down and Charlie sat next to me. He put his arm around me, "What do you want?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He replies. I grabbed his arm and threw it off me. Class started and we did worksheets and read in our text books. After that class I went to my locker, Luis came up to me.

"Looking good." He says. "Thanks Luis." I reply closing my locker. He started following me when Riley slammed him into a locker. I walked into my next class and sat down.

Charlie sat down and class started, after that class was lunch so I went down the stairs to my locker. I grabbed my lunch and walked to the lunch room, as I walked by the cheerleader table, Mindy called out "Come sit Willow."

"No thanks." I say walking over to the varsity table. Riley scooted over so I sat down, "You got half the school staring at you Willow." Scooter says. I nodded my head and started eating.

*At The Ducks Table*
"Julie did you help Willow pick out her outfit?" Connie asks. "Maybe." Julie replies. "She's got every boys attention." Luis says. All the boys agree. "Man Charlie you were one lucky soul." Fulton says. "She must love the attention." Linda says.

"She only wants one boys attention and I'm pretty sure she got it." Julie says looking over at Daniel. "What does she see in that Daniel kid?" Ken asks. "He's not a complete asshole." Connie says looking at Charlie.

"Look Rileys trying to make a move." Averman says. "Man she's gonna flip!" Charlie says. Riley made his move and everyone was shocked because Willow didn't freak out like she usually would. "She's not flipping out?" Connie says.

*Willows POV*
Riley made his move but I didn't care, Charlie didn't want me why stop other boys from making there moves. The varsity team looked at me shocked, "What?" I ask. "You didn't flip out on Rick." Scooter says.

"Well I'm not dating anyone am I?" I say. Everyone shakes there head no, "But you are Rick so get your filthy hands off me." I reply taking his hands off me.  I looked at the ducks who were smirking. The bell rang so I got up threw my food away and went to my locker.

I got my stuff and Daniel grabbed my hand, "I must be one lucky guy to be holding hands with you huh?" He says. "Nah I'm the lucky one." I say as we walk into the class. We were getting new seats and we could chose ours so I sat next to Daniel.

Charlie walked in and sat behind us with Linda. She tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around. "I don't know what your trying to do but knock it off Charlie doesn't want you." She says to me, "Trust me sweetheart I don't want him either so chill out." I reply.

Charlie looked at me and I rolled my eyes, class started and I did my work. Class ended and we did 2 more then went to study hall, Fulton ran up to me, "Hey Willow!" Me and Daniel turned around.

"Hey Fulton." I say. "Just wanted to say Charlie's going crazy over you and so are the others." He replies. I nodded my head and Daniel dragged me over to his other karate friends.

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