nine | the meeting

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I woke up from banging on the door, Scooter answered the door and I got up. It was Charlie he walked in and pulled me out of the room, "I was sleeping." I said in a tired voice.

He laughed and kissed me, "Well that sure wakes someone up." I say. I pulled him back and we kissed again, he walked away and I went back in the dorm.

Scooter passed me my clothes I was wearing yesterday and I went back to my own dorm. Julie was awake and Charlie was sitting on my bed, they both looked at me and I walked in.

"Who's clothes are those?" Charlie asks. "Corey Haims." I reply jokingly. "You met him!" He asks. "No you idiot there scooters I borrowed them so I didn't have to sleep in wet clothes." I say. Julie laughed, "Why didn't you borrow Rileys?" Charlie asks.

"His clothes stink." I reply grabbing a dress. Julie laughed again, "I mean your not wrong." Charlie says. I kissed him on the cheek, "We're still not back together!" He says. "I know that's why I'm going a date later." I reply.

"With who?" He asks. "C Thomas Howell." I reply walking into the bathroom. I got changed but couldn't zip up the zipper so I walked out. "Charlie or Julie can one of you zip this up?" I ask.

Charlie gets up and zips it, I walked back into the bathroom grabbed the sweatpants and t-shirt and folded them. "I'll be right back." I say walking out of the dorm.

I walked down to Scooter and Riley's dorm then knocked on the door, Riley answered and Scooter walked over to me, "Heres your clothes." I say handing scooter his clothes.

"Dang Willow looking good." Riley says. "Remember I'm 15 your 17." I say walking away. Scooter laughed and I walked back to my dorm, when I walked in Charlie had his tux on.

"Looking sharp." I say to him. "Looking Gorgeous." He replies. I sat down on my bed, he sat next to me. "Can you fix my hair?" He asks. "Yeah put your head back." I say grabbing my comb.

I started messing with his hair, "Ow!" He says. "Suck it up." I reply. "That hurts." I laughed and pulled his head onto my lap, I pecked him on the lips and he says "Keep doing that and I'll shut up."

"Aw no." I reply finishing up his hair. He continued to have head in my lap, "You know your lap is comfier then my pillow." He says. "You just lost lap privileges." I reply taking his head of my lap.

"What why?" He asks sitting up. "Because it's my turn." I reply laying on his lap. He messed with my hair a bit, "Do you have chapstick?" I ask. He pulls some out of his pocket and puts it on my lips.

"You know I want some too." He says. I grab the chapstick but he leaned down and kissed me. "There we go now my lips aren't chapped." He says.

Julie walks out of the bathroom and I zip up the back of her dress. Charlie pulled me up and now I was sitting on his thighs. We got up and walked to the little meeting thing, Riley and the rest of Varsity pulled me towards them and we walked in.

We all gathered with our teams and the meeting started, "So this is for the revoking of the new freshman's scholar ship besides Willow Jones?" Everyone nodded there head and I leaned against the wall.

"Do I have a motion of reconsideration?" The Dean asks. No one from the board raises there hands, "I'm sorry Coach but unless there is a motion from a board member and a second the decision must stand."

Rick whispered something to Scooter and they both smirked. I punched Scooter in the arm and he looked down at me, "You leave us no choice but to bring in our attorney." Orion says.

I smiled at them and the doors open, "Dean Buckley, the board as counsel for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team I'm here to set fourth your legal options so that you may make the best possible decision for all parties concerned." Bombay says.

"Mr.Bombay this isn't a legal proceeding." Dean Buckley says. "Not yet but I can assure you it will be." Bombay replies. I smirked at the team and Riley gave me a pissed look.

"You mind? These scholarships an offer became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause which I guarantee you have none should you decide to pursue their cancellation I will slap you with an conjunction I will tie this matter up in court for years until long after these kids have gone on to college and I will collect damages, I will win. Because I am very very good you know why I'm so good? Because I had a good education you gave it to me and you're gonna give it to these kids." Bombay says.

The varsity team looked pissed at me while I was still smirking, "Now some of you may he snobbish enough to believe that these ducks don't belong at Eden hall let me tell you, you're dead wrong these are remarkable young people, you give them your full shot and I promise you they will succeed not only on the ice but in the classrooms as well. These people are my friends and I know what they can do. Accordingly I demand that you reinstate their scholar ships for their benefit and for your honor."

The room went silent, there was some slight whispers and Riley hit my in the arm. The ducks smiled at me. " I move that the scholarships be reinstated." A women on the board says. "Is there a second?" Dean Buckley asks. Another person raises there hand.

"All in favor." Buckley says. Everyone on the board raises their hand, "Scholarships reinstated." Dean Buckley says. Everyone starts clapping and so do I. Riley stopped me from clapping and I walked out with them.

We walked up to the ducks and Riley says, "Congratulations in ruining our school." "Hey it's our school too." "It's everyone's school you stupid jock." Linda says to him. "It'll never be your school don't you get it you're our own little affirmative action brought in for color to entertain us but you couldn't even do that, your fancy lawyer kept you in on a technicality but you'll never belong. You'll never be anything more then a bunch of rejects here on a free ride we'll besides Willow." Rick says.

Rick put his hand on my shoulder, "Free ride, look at you rich boy mommy and daddy gave you everything huh!?" Russ says. "JV varsity games on Friday then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are then maybe you'll leave on your own." Riley says touching Charlie's tie, but Charlie hit his hand away.

"It'd be the only honorable thing to do." Riley says. "You know we're gonna hurt you." Cole says stepping up behind me. "Pssh listen you guys had an unfair advantage last time you had two of us, Banksie and Willow. "Oh we'll keep him because we still have Willow. He never had the heart of a warrior anyway." Riley says.

Charlie looked at me, "Hey one more thing after we beat you the warriors die and the ducks fly." "Yeah anything you say loser." Riley says. "And what do mean you still have Willow?" Julie asks.

"Oh she didn't tell you?" Cole asks. "Well shes gonna play with us but if we win then she has to stay with us for the rest of the season but if you win she gets to go back to you guys." Riley says. They walked away, "You guys gotta win, I can't help you at the game but I can tell you our moves." I whisper to Charlie.

"Come on Willow." Scooter says grabbing my arm. "Care to tell us why the hell the brought a lawyer?" Riley asks me. "I don't know." I say walking towards my dorm. As soon as I opened the door Riley shut it.

"You tell them anything else your dead." Riley says. I opened the door again and walked in slamming it in his face.

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