Chapter 12: The Inbetween- Zayn

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Zayn's POV

"Thank you Harry" I whispered to his sleeping figure. I have a lot of work to do and this gentleman is the reason I know what I have to do. I drove my way back towards the Hills hoping not miss Perrie. I did a little more than the speed limit allowed but I didn't care. I pulled hastily in to the drive and ran into the house.

"Perrie?" I shouted

"Up here" she sounded angry. Veronica came running to me and I hoisted her up and ran up the stairs.

"Can we have dinner tonight just me and you please" I begged her.

"Oh you want dinner, how nice when I call you to ask you to talk you can’t be bothered!" she spat

"Please" I pleaded.

"Fine but I have things to do, I will call you later" she stormed out taking Veronica from me. I was speechless I haven't ever seen her this angry with me. I called and set up reservations at her favorite restaurant, ordered flowers to be delivered to her at dinner. It seemed like hours before she called me.

"Hello love" I answered

"Zayn" she said plainly

"I made us reservations"

"Great what time? your mother is watching the kids" she said sounding unhappy


"See you then" she hung up

"See you there" I said hearing the dial tone. I had a few hours until dinner so I got moped around until I got ready and drove over to the restaurant. Perrie was already sitting there looking unhappy.

"Zayn" she said

"Perrie" I leaned down to peck her lips which she did not return.

"Do you like the flowers?" I asked hopefully

"Their lovely" she said looking away

"Perrie what's wrong?" I asked

"What’s wrong are you fucking kidding me Zayn the one time I beg you to stay home for one god damn weekend you can’t" she nearly shouted

"That's why I am here I need to tell you something!"

"Oh you've got something to tell me, how nice did you think maybe I wanted to chat say this weekend?!"

"Perrie calm down please just let me tell you" she was turning an angry shade of red.

"Fine please tell me what you would like to tell me.. please" she rolled her eyes.

"For the past few months, I have been cheating on you" I blurted out. Her eyes almost bulged out of her head I didn't even feel the immediate sting of her palm connection with my face.

"You FUCKING BASTARD!" she yelled gathering the attention of everyone.

"Perrie please sit down be calm and let me finish" I gasped mortified.

"You want to fucking finish breaking my heart of please continue!' she was still standing.

"I never slept with a woman, because that was being disloyal to you so I slept with men instead" she looked at me furiously I thought she was going to leap over the table.

"Are you FUCKING SERIOUS" she threw the flowers at me and stormed out I chased after her. I grabbed her wrist turning her around to face me. She was in tears they were flowing very heavily.

"I am so sorry Perrie  you don't even know" I said holding her close.

"You fucking bastard, you tell me you're fucking men" she cried

"And the joke is still on me! I'm pregnant" she broke away and ran to her car. My thoughts were racing how could this be? We haven't slept together in month... crap the day in the shower. I sat in the car and cried.

I've tried calling Perrie all week but she hasn't returned a single call. I haven't seen my kids in a week. I heard a car park in the driveway and someone walk in.

'Zayn" I heard Perrie's voice.

"Perrie" I said running towards her voice. She looked at me and thrusted a packet of papers in my chest.

"I want a divorce" she cried.

"Can we talk first please" I started to cry. She looked me in the eyes and walked into our living room.

"I am sorry, Perrie but please let me explain. But first how are you and the baby?"

"We're fine and you have fifteen minutes" she had red eyes.

"I felt suffocated by you. And I felt suffocated even more by my guilt over Landon" I cried. She let out a sob.

"Sex that's all it ever was I couldn't have feelings ever. Not even a kiss"

"Za" I cut her off.

"Please I promise I am done let’s make this work, We can start over with our new baby and the kids" I pleaded.

"You think I can just forgive you like that? Did you ever think how I felt? I wanted and needed you and you shoved me away. I gave the one thing I wanted my whole life away to care for our child. Which I don't resent one bit but I do resent the fact that you pushed me away. I begged you to stay this weekend so we could talk about this situation. How do I know I can handle another child with Landon the way he is" she started to cry hard.

"Let's try, lets finally do this together" I kissed her.

AN: sorry this is short I am going to do 4 mini-ish chapters to fill in the time.

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