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AN well I am starting my new fic 'The Auction' I just thought this concept was really interesting. But in the new year I will be updating my other fic too and completing it!!! But anyway enjoy the read. If you like vote , fan , or comment!!

Side not this is going to be really boyxboy and smutty at times... so just a heads up! :) Happy Reading.

My name is Harry Styles and I am going to tell you a story about how I became the way I am today. Happy, in love, and successful. Mind you this plan isn’t full proof it just happened to work out for me. This story starts ten years ago. On the day I got accepted to college.

"Ni I got in I got in!" I screamed into the phone.

"Harry, slow the fuck down, I'm hung-over, its memorial day, and its 11 AM. So what’s up?" Niall replied groggily.

"I got into Yale, Yale Niall! I was wait listed, and now I’m in!" I said over excitedly

"That's great Haz! Call me later when I’ll be happier to share the news with you" he hung up.

It’s one of those times when I wished my mother didn't work so much, and with my sister gone away I have no one to celebrate with. I never bothered to make friends in school I was too worried about getting good grades. But Niall lived in the obnoxious house next door. I loved Niall, in a platonic way. I mean I knew for sure I liked boys, whereas Niall wasn't too sure. He did give me my first kiss though he said. "Your first kiss should be with someone you care about and I care about you and I think you care about me!" he said as he smashed his lips to mine. There was no fireworks like I hoped but he was right I do care about him. So I ran over to his house to be greeted by his mother Maura who was my other mom. With my mom working all the time she always looked after me. She cheered and jumped up and down with me when I showed her my acceptance letter.

"Harry I am so proud of you!" she hugged me

"Thank you so much!" I hugged her back

"Only way I could be more proud is if you were taking Niall with you" she smiled.

"Rude!" Niall came down the stairs "I heard that mom" he smiled

"Niall James you know you could have done better in school" she chided him.

"Thanks mom" he said dully. She made us a delicious breakfast; Niall of course ate more than the both of us combined. He grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs.

"Congrats bro" he smiled and hugged me.

"Ni I need to tell you something"

"What’s up Haz" he looked concerned

"I don't think I can go to Yale... I can’t afford it, even if I worked with scholarships and with my mom working all the time it’s just too much" I started to sob.

"Haz how much do you need I can access my trust fund for you"

"I can’t nor will I ever take your money" I hugged him.

"I've even sold my baseball cards. I sold my grandfather watch. Stupid me thinking I could pool together enough money" I cried.

"Haz don't cry bud", I grabbed him a tissue and a copy of the news paper fell onto the floor.

"College Freshman Sells off Virginity for Tuition" I read aloud.

"What was that Haz" Niall asked me as he gave me a tissue.

"Ni! This is the answer to my prayers! I can sell the only thing I have left, my virginity" I yelled

"Haz no offense but no girls are going to want to buy your v card babe" He smiled.

"So I'll sell my ass to the highest bidder, I mean I am good to look at, in shape, well hung, and my virginity is intact." Niall's jaw hit the floor.

"Haz you can’t be serious... what if you catch something?!"

"That's what condoms are for dummy, I mean look this girl made fifty thousand dollars for hers. Imagine what the right guy would pay for mine!" I smiled.

"Haz this is crazy" Niall was chasing me out of his house to mine, where I still had the article in hand.

"Ni, it’s going to work trust me!" I ran upstairs to my room and turned my laptop on.

"Harry, this doesn't feel right, I mean you're selling yourself off like a common whore"

"I'll be a whore he makes a bundle for my virginity" I stated as I started typing in the website.

"Haz please don't, I’ll give you the money" he said looking so worried.

"Ni, I won’t take your money, but you can buy my virginity" I joked

"If need be, I will" he huffed

"Ni, you won’t actually have sex with me so I'm just taking your money which I won’t do" I said seriously. The website came up and I made an account IHaveStyle. Niall was sitting next to me with his arm over my shoulder as scared as I was of this it felt comforting to have him there.

What are you auctioning off? It asked

My Virginity.

Describe the item: I am an 18 year old boy in desperate need of money to pay for college. I have nothing to sell but myself, I am pure never had any sexual relations what so ever. I am willing to come spend a weekend with you, and you can take me on a date and I will give myself to you on the last night of our get together. Happy Bidding :)

Starting Bid: 500$

"Haz you re with more than that" Niall said

"I don't want to sound pompous make them think I'm desperate and they'll pay more" I smiled as I hit submit.

And that my friends is how this all started.

AN: I decided to write this from Harry's POV mostly from the view that he's writing this himself. But the other POVs will be noted hope you enjoyed!

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