Chapter 1: The Bidders

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AN: Well here we are at chapter one, this is going to be told from the bidders POV so this should be longer. But any who happy reading :)

Louis' POV

How could this happen to me? I had been so careful I let my guard down for one minute and my whole career is falling apart. "Louis Tomlinson star of the smash hit show 'Valerie' found kissing unknown boy', "Valerie Star caught out of the closet", and lastly the worst one of all "Tomlinson's Unknown Boy Tells Us ALL". I threw the magazines all over my penthouse. I mean for God's sake I am on the biggest TV show right now. My first movie is coming out, the only thing not ready to come out is me.  I picked up the copy of Star where my boy toy tells all.

Here is our interview with the boy Louis Tomlinson got caught making out with earlier in the week.

Star: Hi what's your name?

Boy: I am Noah Newman, Louis ex.

S: Ex? Care to elaborate?

NN: Simple Louis is too chicken to face his sexuality, it’s alright for him and I to fuck, pardon my French, but I wanted more I wanted to meet his friends I wanted to see what it was like at his job but no I got to stay at his apartment.

S: So you are confirming that 'Valerie' heartthrob Louis Tomlinson is gay or at least bisexual?

NN: Is there any other way to take it... we had sex he was in me and I was in him.

I threw the magazine in the trash after that. How could he? How could he do this to me? All I asked for was time, let the movie come out and let our contract negotiations go through and I would tell the world that I was in love with him. Bastard. All he wanted was money and sex. I could go outside right now and get anyone I wanted literally anyone. Boy or girl. I grabbed my coat and rode the elevator down; I am just going to get something to eat. As I walk out the front door of my building, I am surrounded by the flashes of the paps.

"Louis" "Louis" I wave to them and lamely smile.

"Is it true that you are indeed gay?"

"Yes Louis let us in on your secret sex life"

"Louis, Was Noah telling the truth"

"Louis, you have just smashed the hearts of millions of girls and women how does it feel?"

I couldn't get away from them I ducked into the first cab I could find, near tears already.

"Where to sir" he asked

"Anywhere but here take me as far as you can from the paps" I sighed

"With all those paparazzi you'd swear you were a celebrity" he smiled; I thanked God that he didn't recognize me. We chatted until he dropped me off at a restaurant. I got seated in the back and pulled out my phone; some shopping would make me feel better hopefully. I spent over a thousand dollars already and hopped onto my favorite auction site. When the 'What's Hot' items came up one caught my eye. 'My Virginity', I chuckled to myself and clicked on it. "Whoa" I let slip out of my mouth. This gorgeous man was for sale and a virgin. This most certainly won’t help my situation out any if I won this auction, but for 500 dollars I'll place a bid. I submitted my bid and sighed looking at the gorgeous boys face. I really hope I win.

Zayn's POV

"Yes Perrie, I understand" I rolled my eyes at my wife going on and on.

"I will stop and pick it up after work, Yes I have a patient coming in for a consultation shortly"

"Yes I will make it to Veronica's recital tonight"

"Love you too" I slammed the phone down. God she can be so fucking annoying. Ever since she left her job she has been on my ass, calling me every day, wanting to do lunch. I wish she would just leave me alone, if it wasn't for the kids I would have left her a long time ago. I am in no position to raise two children and I really don’t want to have to pay Perrie alimony.

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